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"Please," begged Tony as he raised a paw to protect his face. However the lashes kept continuing from the Nazi solider. Blood began to stream through ever gash that the solider made on his body. No place on his body was untouched.

Tony managed to open one of his swollen eyes and he saw that Erik was getting the same treatment. Erik wailed in agony as a Nazi solider hit him too. However he didn't have the fur and more blood was oozing from him than it was Tony.

"That's enough," murmured Shaw as he raised an devilish hand. He smirked and Tony just wanted to rip out his throat. "I have something else planned."

"Over my corpse," howled Tony as he tired to lunge for Shaw but the chains on his paws were holding him back.

"That can be arranged," pointed out Shaw as he motioned for another Nazi. The Nazi strode over and gave him a bottle that contained some strange pills that Tony definitely didn't want to eat.

Tony grunted and thought about grabbing the container telepathically but he knew that Shaw would just punish him more and he might not even be able to shake it off. He knew that Shaw hated weakness and he couldn't show it.

"Bring him over here," ordered Shaw as he motioned to yet another Nazi. The Nazi unhooked the chains from Tony's paws and when they were removed Tony saw that there were bruises where they had cut into his circulation. The Nazi set Tony down in a chair in front of Shaw. Tony shifted a bit uncomfortably.

Shaw tilted the container and tilted some small white pills in his hand. There had to be at least five in his palm. Shaw shoved his hand close to Tony's mouth but Tony refused to open his mouth. Tony turned his face away from Shaw and curled his lip a bit.

Shaw drew back and ran his tongue along his teeth. "Tsk, tsk. I wouldn't do that if I were you Tony."

He stretched out his other hand and another Nazi set a sharpened knife in his hand. Shaw ran his thumb over the knife and Tony saw how sharp it was. Shaw then thrust it under Tony's jaw and drew a bit of blood. "Now what are you going to do?"

"Don't take it Tony," cried Erik who had stopped being whipped and was watching his friend be beaten.

Tony opened his mouth to say something but Shaw just pushed the knife deeper into Tony's jaw. More blood tricked out and it began streaming down Tony's chest fur. He squeezed his eyes shut but he couldn't let a groan escape his throat. Instead he just sunk his claws into the chair and prayed it would be over.

Once Shaw had his fill he drew back the knife from Tony's jaw and flicked his blood from the tip. "Well the pain can end Tony. You just need to take these tiny, harmless pills." Shaw gave a smile that Tony knew he would never be able to trust.

Tony looked to Erik who painfully shook his head but Tony didn't want to argue. He was too tired. He allowed Shaw to take his bleeding jaws in his hand and tilt it toward the sky. Shaw pushed on his jaw so that it would open and he threw the pills into Tony's mouth. Before Tony could spit it out Shaw thrust Tony's mouth closed and began to massage Tony's throat to force him to swallow.

Tony finally swallowed, nearly choking on the pills. He coughed pitifully as Shaw finally allowed him to take in a breath. His head immediately felt fuzzy and when he tried to stand he crumpled over the armrest of the chair, gasping for breath.

"What did you give me," groaned Tony as his tongue lolled from his mouth and to his horror it began to swell.

Shaw just chuckled and picked up Tony by the scruff. Tony wanted to wait but he couldn't take in the breath to scream. Shaw threw Tony at Erik and Tony whimpered at Erik's feet. Tony turned his head up at Erik and his eyes stretched upward as if begging him to help. Erik stretched out a shaky hand and tried to strode Tony to make him feel better but it just made it worse.

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