True Desires Of Humans

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Ivory sniffed the air and she could almost smell the seriousness in the air. It nearly over took her and she was surprised she was still on her paws. Her gaze traveled to the wall and Kestrel kept nudging her haunch to make sure that she didn't separate herself from the ground.

"You're in more awe than I am," snorted Kestrel in amusement as he padded forward.

Ivory blushed a bit. "I've never been anywhere like this before."

"Hush," snapped Charles over his shoulder as Moira led them down another long hallway. Ivory shut her muzzle and continued walking forward.

They were led into another room and Ivory was wondering whether or not she should follow them. She eventually decided to and follow Charles and Kestrel followed closely to her haunch. They sat at the end of the table. Ivory positioned herself right next to Charles so that she could speak to him and no one else could hear.

"Don't speak unless you're just talking to me," Charles told her sternly.

Ivory rolled her eyes. She didn't need Charles holding her paw with every decision she made but she didn't say anything. She just kept herself quiet and allowed for Kestrel to sit beside her, his tail curled around his paws.

Ivory waited patiently before men came in. She let her fur bristle a bit along her spine. She stopped herself from darting forward. Instead Kestrel reached out a wing and rested it on her shoulders. "Relax," he chided gently. "Don't give us away."

Ivory forced her fur to flat. She looked away and began listening as the men began talking, mostly to themselves but sometimes to Charles. She wasn't exactly sure what they were talking about or why they cared so much but she just gave brief nods now and then when Charles said something she agreed with.

However the talking suddenly escalated and it turned into yelling. Suddenly everyone was talking at once and Ivory's head was spinning.

"Maybe you should tell us about the missiles that are currently directed at Turkey," Charles suggested as he read one of the men's mind.

"Charles," snapped Ivory but he wasn't even listening to her.

"This is just magic," snapped another man in a suit. "A magic trick."

Suddenly Raven stood up and changed into one of the men. A shocked voice murmur sounded through the room.

"How's that for a magic trick," asked Charles smartly.

"It's nothing beside an illusion. They're freaks," snapped another man.

Suddenly an uproar rose and Ivory couldn't take it any longer. She surged forward and leaped onto the table in front of them. Eyes turned to her and she snarled, her lips pulled back in a snarl. She suddenly spread her wings and was tempted to fly a bit but she didn't. She just narrowed her eyes at a man right in front of her.

"Is this an illusion," she asked as she was tempted to sink her fangs into his throat.

Before she could Kestrel leaped onto the table beside her and growled at the man. "If I were you I wouldn't test her."

The man's eyes widened and before Ivory could do anything else she heard Charles in her head.

You've startled him enough! This is not how this was supposed to go!

Ivory let a growl roll in the back of her throat before she crept back to Charles and leaped back on the ground beside him. Kestrel did the same, a bit hesitantly as he favored his hind paw.

"Fish-brain," Kestrel growled over at Ivory. "How stupid can you be to take them on like that?"

Ivory shrunk back in shame. She was just trying to help and now Kestrel was laying into her like she was a slab a meat. Perhaps that was just how healers reacted.

"We had to do something," pointed out Ivory tersely.

Kestrel narrowed his eyes to slits. "Yeah but that wasn't the best option."

Ivory wanted to argue but she thought better of it. "Sorry," she eventually mustered to apologize.

However now the meeting was certainly over.

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