Howling At The Sun

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Ivory awoke with a jolt and was keenly aware of Tony pushing his way through. "Sorry," he panted as he fluffed out his fur. "Couldn't get away from Gorse, Ripple, and Asphalt. They can sure talk-"

He shot a look at Ivory and noticed her ruffled fur and distant eyes. "What's wrong?"

Ivory leaped from the couch on wobbly legs. "I was told something very disturbing," she confessed with a shudder.

Tony rushed to her side and pressed firmly against her. "Was it a dream? An omen? A prophecy?" Ivory had no idea he was so in touch with Starbound. Most wolves just thought that Starbound was a story for pups instead of the real wolf heaven.

Ivory shook her head. "No it was more like a warning."

Tony lashed his tail. "What did they warn you about? The battle? Are we all going to die?"

Ivory bared her teeth. "You ask too many questions at once," she scolded before continuing. "I saw my mother and she told me to enjoy this group while I still have it."

"She means that we are going to die," asked Tony as his nose twitched a bit.

Ivory shook her head again. "I don't think so. She made it seem like our group was going to split up."

Tony couldn't believe what he was hearing. "That can't be true," he argued with determination showing in his bright eyes. "I refuse to believe it!"

"Starbound wolves aren't wrong," pointed out Ivory hollowly. "My mother says we're going to split up."

Tony suddenly pushed his head into Ivory's shoulder and she felt his strong muscles tensed against hers. "I love you more than anything Ivory. You are my mate and I won't leave you, I promise."

Ivory turned her head before she pushed it under Tony's neck and felt his heartbeat against her ear. "For once I'm actually afraid Tony. I don't know what this battle will bring or how we'll be fighting it."

"I'll protect you," assured Tony as he intertwined his tail with hers. "You don't have to be afraid as long as I'm with you."

"I can't bare to lose anyone," she continued as if she was in a haze of her own thoughts. "We've grown so close but now we have to take the lives of others to protect lives."

Tony had heard that many times in the Holocaust. "Yes but we're doing the right things. We have strong allies and we have each other's backs, just like a pack."

Ivory ran her tongue over her teeth. "We're not like a pack. A pack doesn't leave each other."

Tony thought for a heartbeat. "Is it possible your mother was speaking of splitting the opposing group. Maybe she meant that we would split the enemy right in half!"

Ivory wanted to believe it but deep inside she couldn't. Her mother's message was clear. Her pack would split and there would be no way to mend it.

"We shouldn't be talking about this now," broke in Tony as he fluffed out his fur. "I want to show you something."

Ivory tipped her head before Tony rose to his paws and nudged her forward. Ivory was reluctant but she knew that Tony was trying so she gave in. They padded forward and out of the mansion. Tony spread his wings and flapped them, taking to the air just a bit. He thrust some gentle wind in Ivory's direction and she turned her head.

"Come on," urged Tony as he brushed his wings against hers. "It's just a gentle flight, I promise."

Ivory forced a smile and flapped her own wings. She lifted up a bit and continued into the air. She followed Tony as he led her onto the roof. Ivory followed before lowering down and sinking her claws into the roof, gripping hard. Tony followed and brushed his head against her shoulder as he kept nudging her forward.

"What am I looking for," she asked stubbornly.

"You'll see," barked Tony as he kept pushing.

When they finally got to the edge Tony turned Ivory's head in the direction of the sun. It was beginning to set and it was showing an array of indigos, reds, oranges, blues, and even ivories. Ivory gasped at it's beauty. She sat down and continued staring until Tony sat beside her, their fur brushing.

"Do you like it," inquired Tony.

Ivory shook her head. "I don't like it. I love it!"

Tony let out a breath of relief. "You know there was a sunset when we first became mates, do you remember?"

"How could I forget," chuckled Ivory. "You were as nervous as a rabbit being hunted by a pack of wolves."

Tony shuffled his paws in embarrassment. "Yeah maybe I was. However it was all because I was nervous you'd say no. I mean who would want an old scraggy wolf as a mate?"

Ivory thought for a second before leaning forward and licking his nose. "Me I suppose."

Tony rumbled in affection and the two touching noses for what seemed like forever before Tony puffed out his chest. "I know it's not moonhigh yet but maybe we can be the first two wolves to howl at the sunset?"

"That would be wonderful," Ivory breathed before she waved her paw. "You first."

Tony lifted his head and let out a deep howl. It sounded powerful and handsome and fit Tony well. Once he had howled a bit Ivory joined in. She howled deeply and tried to match Tony's rhythm so they sounded like one.

It wasn't long before Ivory heard two smaller howls. She looked down and saw Runningpaw and Shypaw howling with them. Her eyes lit in amusement before she spread her wings and glided down. Tony did the same and they both landed beside the pups. They sat and began howling with them.

Another howl chimed in and when she turned she saw Kestrel bringing himself forward before he sat next to Runningpaw and continued his howling. After Kestrel Moonsong tumbled out, her howl majestic and light. She sat off by herself a bit but she wasn't alone for long.

Ripple, Gorse, and Asphalt all bonded out and howled. Although they were brothers all of their howls sounded different. Each was powerful and beautiful but in their own way. Gorse sat beside Tony while Ripple bounded over to Moonsong. Asphalt plopped down beside Shypaw and all the wolves erupted into beautiful wolfsong.

Ivory noticed out of the corner of her eye the mutants watching them from a window. Humans would never understand a wolf's desire to howl and that was alright. They may be separated tomorrow but for today they were one. They were one wolf howling at the sun.

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