Plans In Place

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Tony and Erik strode down the streets and Tony looked around, interest showing in his eyes. He was still in awe every time he went outside and looked at his surroundings. How could anyone keep him from such marvelous sights. He dawdled a back before Tony heard Erik shout at him.

"Sorry," apologized Tony as he strode forward and pushed to Erik's side. "I'm still not used to being outside a cell."

"Yeah me either but we can't waste any time," Erik reminded him curtly.

Tony twitched an ear. "Well I wouldn't waste time if you told me where we were going or what we were doing."

Erik kept up the brisk pace so that Tony had to break into a trot to keep up. "We're heading to a bank. Perhaps they'll be able to help us find Shaw and Mallow."

Tony gave his tail a lash of his tail. "Well I can't wait to sink my teeth into human skin! I'll get them to talk."

Before they made it to the bank Erik stopped abruptly and turned around. Tony twitched his ears in confusion and let out a whimper. "What's wrong?"

"Tony you can't come in," Erik told him sternly but he wouldn't look directly into Tony's gaze.

The fur on Tony's shoulders bristled. "And why not?" His tone showed defiance. When Erik didn't answer right away he knew the answer. "This is because I'm a wolf!"

Erik looked down on Tony but Tony didn't back down. "It would just be quicker if I went in alone. Now please stay out here."

Tony bit his tongue to stop from saying something he'd forget. "Fine," he grumbled as he lowered his head into his shoulders. "You go but be quick. I can't promise how long I'll be content out here."

"Thanks Tony." Erik stretched out a hand to brush his fur a bit before he stood and continued toward the bank.

Anger flared through Tony. He deserved to be at Erik's side but his species was slowing him down. Well he couldn't change the fact that he was a wolf, at least not willingly. He just uttered a few German swears, something that Erik would usually do, before he pushed forward. He strode to a small garden with a large tree in the center. He rumbled a bit as he arched his back against it and rubbed his scent against the tree.

Tony then began to claw at the tree to try and let some of his anger ebb. Once he was finished he crumpled a bit at the tree as the leaves provided nice shade to the scorching heat. His black pelt didn't help that much since it absorbed the heat but if Erik was going to spend some of his energy Tony was going to collect some. He yawned before he finally rested his head on his paws and drifted off.


Tony felt a warm breath on his face. When he opened his eyes he saw a wolf standing in front of him with her shoulders bunching.

Tony let out a yowl of surprise and tired to dart backwards. However the earth under his paws was different than any earth he had ever felt, manmade or nature made. He managed to scramble to his paws and he faced the beautiful silver she-wolf with white wings pressed against her pelt.

"W-Who are you and why am I here," stammered Tony as his mouth felt dry.

The she-wolf dipped her head and Tony saw a long scar on the back of her neck. He wondered who had inflicted that on such a beautiful and seeming powerful and intelligent she-wolf.

"I asked you a question," Tony snapped as his hackles lifted.

The she-wolf rolled her eyes. "You sure have a temper," the she-wolf commented and Tony thought about saying something else but he didn't. "Anyway I'm Aldolfina."

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