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The two wolves raced through the grass until they reached the giant golf ball looking thing. Ivory halted, panting, while Asphalt looked like he could have run for a while yet. She composed herself and trotted after Charles as they climbed stairs that led to the center of the giant circular computer.

"What is this," asked Ivory as she looked around in awe.

"It's amazing," breathed Kestrel as he climbed in after her, his eyes taking in as much as they possibly could. "How in the world did you two create this?"

Hank shrugged as he came up next. "We're more talented than you first thought."

"Oh yes," chuckled Tony as he lashed his tail. "That's it."

Erik was next with Asphalt bringing up the rear. He shot Ivory a look and she sighed as she padded over to Charles. She stretched out a wing and brushed it against his leg. He looked down and kneeled down.

"Could you do me a favor," she whispered with hopefulness gleaming in her striking blue eyes.

Charles raised an eyebrow. "Sure, depending on what it is."

Ivory turned her head to Asphalt who was helping Hank start it up with the rest of the group watching intently. "Asphalt asked me if you could try to find his littermates? They were separated as pups but he's sure that they're mutants." She saw Charles's eyes cloud. "Just try, please."

Charles stood up and sighed, his shoulders slumping a bit. "Fine. I'll try but I can't promise anything."

Ivory gave a smile and turned to Asphalt. She gave him a small nod and he seemed to brighten almost immediately. She didn't have any real littermates so she didn't know how attached Asphalt could be to his littermates. However by his reaction she could tell it had to be pretty strong.

"So what do I do," asked Charles as he turned toward Hank.

Hank motioned toward a large circular thing with wires attached to it. It traveled up to the ceiling and Ivory couldn't image how complicated it would be to create it. Her eyes gleamed and she longed to step into it but this was what Charles had to do. This was Charles's moment, not hers.

She watched as he stepped in and she rumbled in amusement at how he looked. "You make an adorable lab rat Charles," chuckled Erik as he paced around Charles, taking in the deliciousness of this moment.

"Don't spoil this for me Erik," Charles quipped and Ivory padded up to Kestrel, flicking her tail over her back.

"Want to bet that it won't work," whispered Tony into Kestrel's ear.

Kestrel's eyes lit. "You're on," rumbled Kestrel as he slapped Tony's paw and his eyes gleamed.

"So how does this work," asked Ivory as she took a step forward and reared on her hind legs and rested her front paws on the bars surrounding the strange circular device that hung from the ceiling.

"Charles's brainwaves will go through these electronic wires and the location of the mutants that he finds will come on here." He pointed to a typewriter. He then came over to Charles. "Are you sure we can't shave your hair?"

"Don't touch my head," snapped Charles shortly.

Ivory gave a nod and she stepped down, falling in beside Asphalt who seemed to be holding his breath. "It's alright," assured Ivory as she licked Asphalt's cheek. "He will find them. I have faith in them."

Asphalt smiled timidly and shuffled his paws. "I-I know. I-I-I-I just h-hope he-he-he finds t-t-them."

"He will," breathed Ivory as she rested a wing on his flank. At least I hope so.

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