First Yet Last Day Of School

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"Come on," called Charles as he stuffed some things in his book bag. "It's time for our first day of 7th grade!"

"I don't want to go," complained Raven as she came down in a human form. "I don't want to have to look like this."

"We have to," murmured Ivory as she plastered her own wings against her flank and tried not to show them. It was hard enough to hide her powers at home but she wasn't sure how she would cope with a lot of people rushing around. She knew that wolves didn't have to go to school but she wasn't about to leave Charles and Raven there. "What you think I want to go?"

Raven shook her head. "No of course not but why are you going," she asked as she raised an eyebrow.

Ivory flicked her tail over her back. "I can't leave you two alone," she pointed out. "Besides I'm curious how this year would go."

She then pawed at the ground. "Wolves are allowed in, aren't they?"

"Of course they are," assured Charles as he kneeled down and stroked Ivory between the ears. She rumbled in pleasure. "And even if they aren't I'll make them let you in."

"Thanks Charles," Ivory murmured in appreciation before she waddled over to a backpack. "I'm a little nervous though, if that's alright to say."

Raven shrugged. "I'm nervous too. What if my powers show?"

"You can control then better than you think," pointed out Charles as he smiled at his sister.

Ivory weaved around Raven and rumbled. "Don't worry. We'll be with you."

Raven kneeled down and then stroked Ivory. Ivory couldn't help but wag her tail and rumble. She then pricked her ears. "Time to go!"

Charles, Raven, and Ivory grabbed their things and Ivory tossed a backpack over her shoulder. She hoped this would be good.


Ivory walked to her second period science class with her head held high in the air.

"Hey runt!"

Ivory turned her head and saw a human boy with black hair. "What do you want," she asked. She had seen him around but never bothered to know his name. It was the first day of school after all.

"Just to tell you to get out," replied the boy as he kneeled down. "Puppies don't belong here, even smart puppies like you."

Ivory shoved her ears forward. "I'm not a puppy. I'm a wolf!"

The boy juts chuckled. "Then go back to the forest. No one wants you here.""

Ivory eyes burned. "You don't have the right," she argued tersely as her fur began to bristle. "I have as much right to be here as you do."

The boy rolled his eyes. "I beg to differ." He suddenly stood up and struck a foot against Ivory's chest. She fell backwards with a yelp and her head smacked against the wall. She saw stars and the breath was knocked out of her.

"Hey," snapped Charles as he leaned forward and rested a hand on the black-haired boy's shoulder. "What do you think you're doing."

The boy turned and socked Charles in the face. "Charles," Ivory cried breathlessly. She went to assist her friend but the boy turned to her and kicked her against in the face and pain burned through her.

Charles swiped a hand under his bloody nose before he scowled and rose back up to his feet. He certainly wasn't a fighter but that didn't mean he would stand up for his friend. He looked to the boy with blood crusting under his nose.

"Don't touch her," snapped Charles on the verge of what sounded like a snarl to Ivory.

The boy just rolled his eyes and raised a hand, ready to punch Charles again. Suddenly Ivory got her second wind and exploded forward. She weaved between the boy's legs before she suddenly bunched out and the extra mass the boy trip over her. With a yelp the boy fell and Ivory darted to Charles's side, whimpering a bit as she felt blood pulse through her face. Something didn't feel right.

The boy grunted as he hauled himself back to his feet and was about to launch himself at Charles when Ivory stood and snarled. She wasn't even up to Charles's knee but that didn't stop her from at least trying to seem powerful and protective of her friend.

The boy just shot out a hand and grasped her scuff before he threw her against the stone wall, and Ivory felt blood rushing down her face. "Please stop," begged Ivory as she began to lose consciousness.

Suddenly the weight lifted from her neck and fell from the grasps of the boy. When she turned her head she saw Raven in her little girl form. She punched the boy in the nose and he crumpled to the ground, crying like a little kid.

Ivory lifted her head a bit and looked toward Charles. Blood was flowing from her nose and mouth and she licked it away but more just bubbled out. "Sure," Ivory grunted since when she tried to move every part of her body yowled in protest. "School is such a wonderful thing!"


Ivory was allowed home early on the first day since it didn't go very well. She waited at home for Raven and Charles and as soon as they arrived home she propped herself up on the couch and looked over to them.

"You look awful," commented Charles as he dropped his backpack and strode toward Ivory and kneeled down.

Ivory sniffed but the dried blood was still crusted under her nose and mouth and was making it difficult to breath. "So I've been told," she grunted.

Raven appeared behind Charles and glared at Ivory. "You should have fought a bit harder."

"I tried," agued Ivory as defensiveness sounded in her tone. "It's just he was so big and I had no chance."

Charles stretched out a shaky hand and peeled the crusted blood from under Ivory's nose. It burned a bit and Ivory shook her head, a bit nervous that fresh blood would ooze out of her nose. It kept bleeding every time she moved too harshly in one direction.

"It's alright Ivory," chided Charles as he reached out the same hand and stroked Ivory between the ears. Ivory rumbled a but and swallowed back some more blood that threatened to leap up her throat.

"Thank you for saving me," she barked as she sat back on the couch and curled up, coughing a bit on some of the dried blood that still clogged her throat a bit.

"Just rest," suggested Charles as he laid across of the couch. Ivory felt his warmth and she enjoyed it. He then wove an arm around her and Ivory rumbled in enjoyment.

Ivory smiled and drifted asleep with Charles at her side.

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