Truth About Kestrel

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Ivory was on her paws in less than 24 hours. She was determined to train with the others even more than before. Nothing had changed between her and Tony however whenever she spent time with him she would always get a lecture from Charles later. It was as if he was her father and not her companion. They were more littermates than anything else.

"Watch this Runningpaw," Ivory instructed as she rose on her hind legs and kicked from her hind legs before soaring through the air and landing a whiskers-length from the black and white wolf.

Runningpaw sniffed in amazement. "That was amazing Ivory! Can I try?"

"Sure," she rumbled as she allowed him to slip beside her. "Just rear and then kick off as hard as you can. It's almost like you're exploding."

Runningpaw gave a nod and launched himself into the air. He landed a few paces ahead of Ivory and began to knead the ground with his paws, pretending it was an enemy. "Grr! Take that!"

Ivory chuckled as she padded over and picked up Runningpaw by the scruff and jolted him around a bit. Runningpaw let out a yelp. "What are you doing," he asked in shock.

"Try to get out of this," mumbled Ivory around his thick fur. "Since you're so small they make pick you up like this. You have to know how to get out of it."

Runningpaw hung there for a heartbeat, examining his options before he shot out a paw against Ivory's neck. Ivory choked but she released him. He then darted behind her before she could surge forward and take him down. He strode under her before he reared up and she reared on her hind legs. However she was ready for this and she brought her paws down on his spine. It wasn't hard but it was enough to make him submit so that he couldn't go anywhere.

She stepped off of him and he sneezed as dust wafted into his nostrils. "That was very good," she praised warmly. "You were so close. Just remember that grabbing a leg or paw may be more effective with surprise."

Runningpaw nodded vigorously. "I'll remember that Ivory, I promise."

"Runningpaw!" Ivory looked to see Kestrel standing at the entrance of the mansion door. His gray fur was unnaturally groomed for once and his white really stood out. Perhaps house life was doing him well. "It's time for training."

"Coming Kestrel," called Runningpaw before he looked to Ivory sheepishly. "I'm sorry. I forgot that Kestrel wanted me today."

Ivory licked Runningpaw's cheek affectionately. "That's fine little one. Go train and I'll see you later."

He nodded and darted forward. Once he got to Kestrel, Kestrel turned with his tail waving behind him. Runningpaw followed excitedly and bobbed as he walked.

Ivory was hoping for a bit of alone time but Asphalt, Moonsong, Ripple, and Gorse strode up.

"Could you help us train with our powers today," asked Moonsong hopefully.

Ivory couldn't refuse that. "Sure. Where's Tony?" Come to think of it she hadn't seen her mate all day.

"Training with Erik I believe," replied Ripple as he padded after Moonsong. Ivory noticed that their pelts brushed and how the way that Ripple looked at Moonsong. Perhaps the two were becoming as close as Tony and her had become.

Ivory just shrugged and pushed forward. "Let's head to the grass grounds. That way we can't cause any damage."

The wolves strode there and once Ivory knew they were far enough from the house she halted. "So would you like to do one on one with powers to start out with?"

They all nodded so she looked to Moonsong and Asphalt. They would make a great battle together. "Moonsong and Asphalt."

The two pushed forward and Moonsong bolted forward before Ivory could even tell her to start. She leaped forward and pushed some dirt into Asphalt's eyes. Asphalt yowled in pain and Moonsong leaped off of him, pawing at the ground. Asphalt finally rose to his paws but he couldn't see and if he couldn't see then he couldn't use his freezing gaze.

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