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A few moons later Tony lay sprawled out on the roof of a small building that his 'team' was staying at for now. He had just gotten down with battle training with Ripple and Snap and his shoulder still burned where Snap had struck muscle. When he had trained with Ivory or Gorsewind or any of the others they had never fought to harm. Here if you put a paw wrong in training you could be killed.

"What are you doing up here?"

Tony turned his head and saw Erik trying to maneuver toward him.

"Don't," barked Tony sternly as he rose up and padded to the middle of the roof where Erik was. "I'll come to you." When he arrived he sat down before drawing a paw over his ear. "What do you need?"

"I wanted to know what you're doing up here," repeated Erik in a cold and distant tone. This new Erik was definitely an Erik that Tony didn't like. He was afraid that he would turn into an Erik himself.

Tony twitched an ear. "Just thinking I suppose. I used to go on the roof of the mansion with Ivory and-"

"I thought we agreed to stop talking about it," snapped Erik sharply and Tony was a bit taken back.

"Why can't I talk about it," he challenged timidly. "It happened and it's in the past. We may be separated but she's still my mate, I hope."

Erik bowed his head. "I know that you have feelings for her but you have to let her go. Your full loyalty has to be the brotherhood."

Tony allowed a growl to roll in his throat and he turned his head to the side. "I can't do that. Part of my heart will always remain at the mansion with my friends and my mate." He turned back and looked up at Erik hopefully. "Isn't your heart torn as well? Charles was your friend."

"Was," growled Erik fiercely. "He was. He refused to join us so now if we have to fight against each other then we must!"

Tony couldn't believe what he was hearing. "I will not fight my mate," he argued with his body tensing as if for a fight. "I won't fight my friends. The only reason I'm here is because of you. You're my companion and I can't and won't leave you. It's the rule."

"I want your full loyalty," Erik demanded and when Tony turned away Erik kneeled down. "I know this is going to be hard but you're part of the brotherhood now, we're your family."

Tony didn't want Erik to see him break down so he just nodded. "Yeah I know. I'll work on it. It's just a transition," he assured as his voice crackled a bit as a sob welled in his throat. "Now can I just be alone, for a bit."

Erik straightened. "Alright. Come in when you're ready. I have a space on my bed reserved for you."

For once Tony had no desire for a soft bed. He had a desire to sleep right on the roof with Ivory pressed right up against him. "A-Alright. Be in a bit."

Erik realized he wasn't going to get anymore out of Tony so he turned and left. One Tony was sure Erik was long gone he reared on his hind legs and howled as loudly and ferociously as possible. His whole body seemed to shake and he struck a paw against the air, pretending it was an enemy.

Tony eyed some shackles of another house and in his rage he telepathically tore them off and cracked them. He then showered them over the surrounding houses before he raked his claws against the roof. He punched and clawed and pawed as hard as he could. Eventually his body gave up and he fell down, his paws bloody and his claws almost shredded to numbs.

He began to sob and tears streamed down his face like a waterfall. "Ivory I'm so sorry," he cried as his body convulsed.

The wind suddenly blew in his direction and he pricked his ears as he heard a voice.

Too late, the wind whispered. It's too late.

Tony's head dropped and took in what the wind said. He realized it was truly impossible to live a life without pain.

Life Without Pain (X-Men First Class Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now