Rain and Regret

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Rain pelted down from the sky and made the roads slick. It was almost always raining in Germany and today was no different. Rain was falling from the sky while wind blasted.

A large black wolf was dating through the rain. His fur was slicked against his body and his breath came in gasps. A small black bundle of fur hung from his jaws. The pup whimpered in pain and hunger.

I know little one, I know this is hard but you have to stay with me. The male wolf thought about his son with a heavy heart. He loved his son more than anything but he knew how that he couldn't take care of him. He could barely take care of himself let alone a pup.

His son whined again and he pawed at the sky. The wolf set his son down between his paws and tears streamed down his pelt. "I love you and I know that the family I am giving you to will love you just as much as I do," he assured as he picked up his son again and strode forward.

He weaved through the roads and made sure that he knew his way back. He finally made it to the house he was looking for and he took in a deep breath. He set down his son at the door and took a step back, rain streaming down his face to disguise his tears.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry!"

He turned back and bolted backwards, tears streaming down his pelt. He took in a raspy breath and turned before he darted. He couldn't bare to see his son being loved by someone else beside him or his mate but his mate had passed away a long time ago when she was killed by a human's car when she was going out hunting.

He shook his head to clear it and lashed his tail. "I will see you again one day. I promise."

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