Chapter 15

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26th June 2019

I am going to tell Shawn about the pregnancy. Yesterday I went out and bought a box where I was going to put the tests in.

I went up to our bedroom and got the box from under the bed. I got the pregnancy tests from my bedside table. I put them in closed the lid and went downstairs to Shawn.

I walked down with the box, trying not to shake it or he would hear the tests bashing against the box. I walked in.

"What's that baby?" Shawn was sitting on his phone. He placed it down on his chest when he saw me walk in.

I sat down on his lap and pecked his lips. "I've got a presentation for you!"

"Why? It's not my birthday or anything." Shawn said. He scratched his nose awkwardly.

"Here!" I placed the box in shawns hands.

"Han, what is this?"

"Just open it. You will love it!"

Shawn shook the box. He looked at me confused. He opened the box and got the tests out. He looked at them. "OH. MY. GOD. HANNAH!!! THIS ISNT REAL. THIS ISNT REAL. ARE YOU REALLY?? THESE ARENT YOURS!!! WHOSE ARE THEY??!!" He was excited. He had a massive smile on his face.

"They are Shawn!!" I nodded my head frantically with my hands covering my mouth. "Shawn, they are mine!!"

I could see a gloss of tears cover shawns eyes. "Shawn, don't cry, you're going to make me cry!"

A tear fell down shawns cheek. I wiped it with my thumb. I saw a loose curl fall down his face. I moved it and ran my fingers through his hair. I pulled his into a kiss.
"I love you..."

"Hannah!! You're pregnant!!!!"

"I KNOOOWWWWW!!! Are you excited?"


We sat there in silence.

"Shawn, you know we aren't going to be able to keep this a secret. We are going to burst and our fans are going to notice somethings up. Why don't we both tell one person. Andrew already knows, so you can choose one person who isn't Andrew. Don't tell your mum or dad because since it's both of our parents first grandchild I want it to be a surprise for them!"

"Okay, well, who are you going to tell?"

"I don't know, probably Avia or one of the girls... what about you?"

"Um, i don't know, probably Brian. When are you going to tell Avia?"


I got my phone out from my pocket. I went down my contacts and phone Avia.

(Phone call between Avia and Hannah)

"Hey hananh! What's up?"

"I have to tell you something!!"

"What is it?"

"You are on speaker and Shawns in the room!"

"What is it?"


"Shawn proposed and you guys are getting married!"


"Shawn and you are moving house?"


"Stop torturing her and tell her." Shawn said while playfully rolling his eyes.

"Okay! Avia... Shawn and I are EXPECTING A BABYYY!!"


"It was 100% planned. I'm only a few weeks. So, don't tell anyone! You are the only person who knows. Andrew only knew we were trying!"

"Oh my god. Oh my god!" I could hear the excitement and her jumping through the phone.

"We need to go know. We are going to tellll... Brian?"

"Yeah Brian!"

"Okay, well I'll let you guys tell him. BYYEEE!!"

(End of phone call)

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