Chapter 85

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28th February 2022

"Do you know what's up with Emma, she's being super weird with me?" Avia asked me while taking a sip of her water

"She's been weird with me since I've been going out with Shawn," I chuckled "I don't know what's going on with her. She's always been super close to you though."

"Let's just ask her because I'm really get tired of her bull shit." Avia rolled her eyes

I glared at her "language in front of Nathan!!!" I shouted

"Sorry Nathan!" She said to him as he payed no attention to our conversation and played with his toys

The phone rung twice and she picked up "Hey," avia pulled a fake disgusted face as she tried to act happy making me laugh

"Hey," the phone was put on speaker

"What you doing?" She asked

"Nothing, really bored. Do you wanna go out?"
You could tell she wasn't bothered through the tone in her voice

"I can't, I'm with Hannah though, why don't you come
Over to hers?" She suggested

"No," she said not even taking a breath

"Just come," I said through the phone "you just said you were bored." I smiled at Avia

"Is shawn home?" She asked

"No, he went to the park with Nathan and sky ."

"Alright I'll come." She had a burst of excitement in her voice

"See you sOoN!!" Avia blew kisses down the phone before ending jt

"I don't get what her problem is with Shawn? He's literally done nothing to her." I shook my hand trying to make some sense of her weird behaviour

"We will ask her when she gets here."


We had been sitting down at the table just chatting and then Shawn walked in. "Hey babbbyy!" I said as Nathan ran into my arms "I've missed you!" I smothered his cheeks in kisses "did you and daddy have fun?"

Nathan frantically nodded his head and then Shawn walked in "hey hunny." He put his hand under my chin and pecked my lips "hello Avia," he smiled at her warningly "Emma." He said so bluntly

"Hey my little sky pie!" Shawn handed her to me

"I thought you hated that?" He laughed, stood behind me and put both of his hands on a shoulder each

"It's kinda got a ring to it." I laughed "how were they?"

"They were really good, Nathan started eating the snow though." He frowned "there was a dog and Nathan would not stop talking about it and I think he wants one"

"Doggy!!" He squealed throwing his hands up and down

"I think I should get going." Emma smiled gathering her stuff

"Yeah, I think you should." Shawn mumbled

I looked back at him and glared and mouthed "what the fuck?"

He shrugged his shoulders and Nathan slid off the table and ran his little legs off to the play room. "What is going on with you to?"

"Nothings wrong." She put her bag over her shoulder

"No. Shawn walked in and you're trying to leave." I furrowed my eyebrows "Nathan doesn't even recognise you and you say you're my best friend."

"Just tell her what happened." Avia snapped at emma then looked at Shawn

"What the fuck is going on?" I quickly walked into the living and put sky in her chair then ran back

They all stayed silent. I looked at Shawn who had a permanent death glare on his face which he only had when he was REALLY mad. "Can someone tell me what's going on?" I asked again

"Emma kissed Shawn at your baby shower!!!!!" Avia shouted

I started to laugh "you're joking, right?"

"No, tell her." Avia looked at Emma

"Why the fuck would you kiss the father of baby's, my fucking boyfriend." I didn't let her say a word "and at my baby shower?!" I shouted

Shawn put his hands on my shoulders again. I pushed them off "don't think I'm not pissed at you." I looked at him

"We were both at the name area and Shawn was there and I was drunk. I didn't realise what I was doing. The only person that saw was avia." Emma said

"You knew and didn't tell me?" I asked avia "and you didn't tell me straight after?" I looked at Shawn with hurt

"The day was going perfectly, I didn't want to ruin anything."

"Avia, you knew though!" My voice broke and a tear rolled down my face

"Don't cry.." avia ran over and hugged me

"I told you to keep your distance from me and my family because I knew this was going to happen." Shawn said to Emma

I pulled away from my hug with Avia "I've never thought three people I love, trust and mean the most to me would betray and lie to me like this" I rolled my eyes I felt sick to my stomach. I stood up as I made my way to my bedroom "youre Disgusting." I said to Emma "don't ever think about coming near me, my family or Shawn ever again."

"You're life is so perfect. You live in this big ass house, have an amazing boyfriend, a successful and two beautiful kids!" She shouted as I walked out

Her comment made me turn around "you dont comment on shit you don't know about!" I cried as she did too. "Just get out of my house!" I shouted

I went into my bedroom and heard Shawns muffled and faint voice "Avia Dont worry, she just needs wrap her head around everything and you guys will be as good as new again," he explained to her and everything he was saying was very true "I told you to stay away and you didn't. Leave." I heard his say to Emma

A few minutes later I heard the front door close and the house go completely silent expect from Shawn playing with skylar and Nathan letting me be by myself in my bedroom letting out all my emotions.

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