Chapter 75

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14th November 2018

Shawns pov

My parents and Hannah's walked into the room with their excitement filling up the room. I looked over at Hannah and saw her passed out besides me with skylar laying down next to her. Aaliyah and Olivia then followed later on.

"Oh my gooodd!!" Elizabeth squealed. "Look at our beautiful granddaughter!" She said looking at Hannah's dad then my mum.

"Oh my God!! She's gorgeous shawn" mum hugged me before pecking my cheek.

"She looks just like Hannah!!" Hannah's dad (Erik) said. He bent down and pecked Hannah's cheek then sky's.

They all sat down and asked questions which I answered. "What's her name then?!" Olivia shouted.

"Shouldn't I wait for Hannah?" I asked looking at Elizabeth.

"Nooo, just tell us."

"Alright" I chuckled. "Skylar Elizabeth Karen mendes" I smiled looking at mum and Elizabeth as I watched their reactions.

"Oh my goooddd.. shaawwwwnnnn..." mum moaned. I looked at her eyes tearing up a bit.

"I would give Hannah the biggest hug if she was awake." Elizabeth glanced over at her. "How is she by the way?"

"She cried a little bit last night, but honestly I think it was because she barely got any sleep because she was feeding skylar or she just couldn't sleep."

"She's gonna be so happy when she can get back into her own bed." Olivia chuckled.

"Yeah." I chuckled back in agreement. "It was so cold last night so we put skylar in our bed so she didn't sleep from that as well."

"Is Shawn going to cry?" My dad teased making me shake my head trying to shake off this feeling.

"Hannah is just so in love with skylar, it's so crazy." I rambled looking at my girl sleeping so peacefully.

I felt Hannah slowly shifting in her sleep next thing later her eyes fluttered open and the widest smile came across her face as she met eyes with us.

Hannah pov

My eyes opened and I made eye contact with everyone in the room instantly. Seeing everyone made an instant smile come across my face. "Morning." I mumbled As I stretched out my arms. "Morning baby girl." I stroked skylark cheek as I saw her looking up at me.

I got up before realising that I had fallen asleep in between shawns legs. I rested my head back on to his shoulder and looked up at him getting a view of his neck before he looked down and kissed my lips.

"What time is it?" I asked looking at mum.

"11:23. Why?" She responded.

"I need to feed sky" I took my boob out and placed her on before placing a pillow in front of me so no one got a view of my boobs.

"You just woke up." Olivia stressed.

"Yeah, and my daughter is hungry." I snapped back thinking about how silly her comment was.

"Alright, chill." She muttered under her breath clearly embarrassed which she quickly got over.

"You know, Shawn wouldn't stop talking about you while you were asleep." Manny blurted out making Shawn blush.

"Kinda reminded me of when I spoke to Shawn on FaceTime for the first time and he wouldn't stop going on about Hannah" dad teased Shawn.

"Really? How comes I never heard about this?" I teased even more.

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