Chapter 16

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I went to the trap. "Yoo killa" this yungin said. "Wassup" I said and went into my boss office. I dapped him up. "So what we got?" I asked him. "Xai you do know what and who your risking doing all this" he said. "Yea they gon be straight" I said bluntly. "Igh but- "wassup y'all fools" trey said coming in. Boss just looked at him. "I'm only doing this because you are like a son to me I don't have time to be saving nobody ass for you. You said they gon be straight so ima need you to keep it that way" he said. "Igh boss I got you" I said. "Nah you don't got me you got yourself" he said laughing. I don't get this nigga sometimes. "Igh boss" I said. "Igh now go talk to bones" he said. Me and Trey walked to bones office. "Was going on killa" Bones said in his Jamaican accent. "Tell me?" I said. "Well we searched and we found his address. We might send someone undercover over there to see what's the move and once we know enough we move in how does that sound?" He asked. "That sound straight but who we sending?" I asked. "That's where we need you and trey" he said. "What you mean?" We asked. "We don't know who to send so we need y'all to pick someone" he said. "Ohhh" I said relieved. "Igh we got that" trey said. "But it should be a girl cuz he haves girls working for him" he said. "Igh" I said. "We know a lot of girls but who do we know that won't switch out and we can trust" I asked as we walked out the office. "Shit I don't know" he said. "I would say kirah or one of them but shit I don't know" he said. "Oh yea maybe do a background check on all three of them and see who can fit the job" I said. We went back into bones office and told him to run three background checks. Once we got them I called Nia and told her to call the girls and we'll get her. Me and Trey rode to my moms house. Oh yea did I mention I bought my mom a house. "Ma we home" trey said. "Hey baby" she said giving him a hug. Nia came downstairs with Xaine. "Xai" he screamed. I picked him up and hugged him. "Tway"he said. Trey picked him up and hugged him. "Igh ma we got to go love you" i said. "Love you guys too" she said. Nia hugged her and we left. We all met up at treys house. When we pulled up they was in their car. We all went in his house and sat in his office. "Alright so y'all can't get mad at us" trey said. They all just sat there. "Igh so we work for a trap. We are dealers and we got a crazy ass life. Igh so it's a girl name Stacy and she was my bestfriend. We was real tight or whatever. She was in this business with me and Trey. Then she...." I stopped I felt myself getting mad why should I help that bitch. I just left. I couldn't talk no more I went to my room and laid down. Yes I have a room in trey house. I got rooms in everybody house. 7 minutes later Nia walked in. "How'd you know where I was?" I asked. "Trey told me" she said. "I'm sorry that happened to you" she said. "You don't have to- "no because I always talk about my life all the time but I never realized how hurt you were" she said. "Listen I'm not hurt I'm straight. I don't need no one feeling bad for me." I told her. "Xai you not even letting me finish" she said. "Because I don't want to listen to you. You just gon tell me that you feel bad. Like damn I get it. Why don't you just go back in there and talk to trey and see what's going on instead of being in here tryna make me happy" I said getting up and leaving her in there. I don't got time for her nice ass damn she aggravating ass hell. "If I'm mad then let me be" i said loudly. "Fuck you" she said. I stopped. "Yoo what did you just say to me" I said turning around. "I said fuck you" she said. "I'm not scared of you Xavier" she said. We was both standing there staring each other down. "Yoo calm down" trey said trying to pull me back but I didn't move and he did the same to her but she just pushed him away. "I will kill yo ass" I told her. "No you won't. But go ahead. Put the gun to my head." She said . I lifted my shirt up to show her my gun and she grabbed it and put it to her head. "Here grab it" she said. "Nooo" jilly screamed running out. "What's going on" Kirah cried. I grabbed it "Pull. The. Trigger" she said. I couldn't it was like she was putting me under some trance. "Ain't this your job shoot me" she said. I sighed and put my gun back. "What is wrong with you" Jilly asked her. She just shrugged. Nia asked trey something and he answered then she went somewhere. "Well I think we found the girl for the job" trey said. "Yea I guess but you don't think she'll switch on us do you?" I asked. "Niggaaa that's your whole girl" trey said looking slow. "No it ain't" I said. "Whatever she had yo ass though" he said laughing. "Where is she?" I asked. "None ya" he said. "Stop playing bro" I said. "Patio" he said running after jilly. I rolled my eyes. I walked halfway to the bathroom and stopped. I heard her outside on the patio. "I just don't understand" she cried. "Why would he be so mean to me ma" she said. I thought she was on the phone but it was on the counter. I don't know what is going on. Damn I made her cry. "Nia im sorry I didn't mean to make you cry" I said feeling bad. "Bye Xai it's fine I don't care anymore" she said. She tried to push past me but I grabbed her arm. "Listen im sorry I didn't mean to make you cry. I really feel bad" I said. "I don't care" she said. "I know I was an ass but fr I'm sorry" I told her. She looked at me and laughed. "I'm serious" I told her. She yanked her arm back. "Xavier you- I cut her off and kissed her. She then sunk into my arms and kissed back. I'm pretty sure that's why she was mad anyways. She pulled away and looked at me then walked away. I was low key confused. "Nia you got the job by the way" I told her. She looked at me and sighed. "What about school and my family and you" she said but said "you"lowly. "You good on everything I promise you still going to go to school. Your family is safe. And for me all you got to do is stay faithful and bring us back the information we need. But you can't be seen with us. They're going to have spies on you 24/7" I told her. "Damn this is a lot" she mumbled. "Come on you have to meet the boss" he said pulling me to the living room. "We have to take her to the boss" I said. We all got in treys Escalade and drove to the trap. We walked in. Everyone was chilling. "Wassup y'all who they" this fool name um shit I forgot his name. "They my homies. Except for this one" I said wrapping my hand around Nia. "Oh she a opp" he said. "No she my girl" I said. "Ohhh Damn my bad" he said. "Get out of here jay" trey said. He just rolled his eyes. We went to the boss office. "Boss we got her" I said. "Mm" he said rolling a blunt. "Which one?" He said. "Why you brung all these people anyways" he said. "My bad but it's this one"I said gesturing Nia to get in front of me. "Her?" He asked. "Yea" i said giving him her background check. "It's clean" he said. "Well except for all the fighting charges" he said eyeing her. She laughed a little. "Should we send one of them in with her?" I asked. "Nahh she'll be good by herself" he said. "But if not yea we'll get someone in" he said. "Leave us. I'll talk to her" boss said. We chilled with the group. It's been bout a hour and she still in there. "I'm going in I can't take it anymore" I said. I walked in and they was still talking. "If you could've waited two minutes she would've been coming out" he said. I rolled my eyes. "Thanks boss I can call you boss right?" She asked. "Yes" he said. "Should I call you daughter in law?" He said eyeing me. "No" she laughed. "I see potential in you too. You both need each other more than you think" he said. Then kicked us out the room. "So what was y'all talking about" I asked her. "He was telling me all about you and what I need to accomplish and how much he'll pay me for this job" she told me. "Oh wait what he told you about me" I asked. "How you've been working for him since you was 12 and how beautiful mama T is" I told him. I nodded and I took her to my house.

So they want Nia to go undercover do you think she'll stick to it ?
Boss said you two need each other more than you think what does he mean by that?

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