Chapter 27

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I woke up to my alarm. How the hell did I get in the bed. I did my normal routine. This time I put on something cute. Since it's women crush Wednesday I can post myself . I guess it was cute. I took my hair out of the braids and put it in a bun. It was so cute. I got my book bag and went downstairs. Why is everything happening to me. Damn I never would have thought my life would be this crazy. "Hey" Xai said walking in. I smiled "hey." "You ready?" "Yea." We went to the garage. I seen a white and red corvette. I swear I am drooling right now. "You got a new car?" "Oh yea." He said it so nonchalantly. "You want to ride in it?" "To school?" I say confused. "Yea." I shrugged. We got in and I wanted to literally push his ass out. I love this car fuck the Jeep. He played his music and we left. This nigga started driving like a crazy person. Like he a professional race car driver. Once we got to the red light he turned down the music. "Do you want to talk about it?" "I was in my room and she came in there. I was already pissed because of the thing with my ex. I told her i think I should leave just in case he comes for me. Then that's when it went down. She started talking about how I'm always with you. Then i guess she got mad because I said her boyfriend be cheating on her and she's a punk." I told him. "What else?" "Wellll she said that I be acting grown because I be with you all the time." "Fr she said that?" "Yea." He laughed and shook his head. "You see that's the thing she always judges me." "Don't worry bout it baby girl. Everyone is going to judge you in this world. You just got to learn how to deal with it." "Thank you babe." I said smiling at him. He smiled back. High key that shit scared me😭. "Never smile again." He laughed "You don't like it when I smile?" "No it's scary." He laughed more. Then started driving crazy again. For the first time I looked at him. He try's to do the whole bad boy thing. But I see right through his ass. I looked at him and through him. I see nice a nice guy with a crazy side. Violent side. Messed up childhood. I guess he seen me staring at him. Because he looked dead at me and said something but I was to focused on reading him. He's hurting because of his dad. I know how it feels my dad doesn't do shit for me either. But reaper was a horrible person from what I heard. I feel so bad for him. He went through so much poor baby. He was still staring at me and I was still staring at him talking. "What'd you say?" I said. He gave me an Are you serious look. I laughed "I'm sorry but I didn't hear anything you just said." "I said you staring at a nigga. Then you didn't answer so i said your so weird. Then you was still staring so I asked if you wanted a kiss or something." He said laughing his ass off. "I'm not weird. You the one that's weird." I said getting defensive. "Okay Nia crazy ass." "I'm not crazy either." "I'm sorry to burst your bubble but your ass is crazy." He said pulling up to the school I laughed. "Why was yo weird ass staring at me anyways?" "Because I can your my nigga aren't you." I said. He shook his head and got out the car and opened my door. I got out. I felt like everyone was staring at me. I looked around and everyone was eyeing us. I swear they was all eyeing us and talking. "Yoo this yo ride?" Some boy asked. "Yea." Xai said. "This shit nice." "Preciate it." He said getting back in his car and driving off. I walked in school and found our little clique. I can't wait til Lannie starts. "So seniors y'all ready to leave?" "Hell yea I'm tied of this shit" trey said. We laughed. "Y'all laughing but I'm dead serious." "What y'all gon do when we leave?" "I'm bout to invest in a car dealership and my golf course." "I'm bout to be traveling with my man." Kirah said. I mentally rolled my eyes. "What is Xai gonna do?" "He's going to a community college" " I didn't think he would go to college." Kirah said. "What's that's supposed to mean?" I asked. "Oh I just thought he would be trapping his whole life running from the cops. Plus he already 20" She said. "That's a joke right?" I said. "Nia.." Jilly said. "No its not a joke but if you want it to be." She said. "What's your problem?" I said. "I don't have one." I just walked away. "Nia" Trey called running up behind me. "Calm down." He said grabbing my arm. I yanked it away. "She is so rude. Like is- "Yooo calm down. Just leave it alone." "Ok ok sorry I haven't been taking my breathing lessons lately." He laughed. "Come on. This time just stay calm and don't say anything." I don't care we only have 15 minutes left. Jilly looked at me and I nodded. She nodded too. "I'm sorry Nia for disrespecting your man like that." Kirah said. Why is this bitch still here. I nodded. I guess we playing the apology games. "I'm sorry too I shouldn't have acted like that." "It's ok I forgive you." I looked around and I seen Julian. "I'll be back." I went over to where he was. "Hey Julian." He turned around "Wassup you need that?" "No I was just saying hey."
I said. "Oh yea you don't smoke no more right." "Nah." I said. "So where yo girl at?" "Shit ion know she supposed to be coming." "We talked at the party because she was worried about you. She said she couldn't find you and assumed you left. We chilled too once the party was over." "That's cool." I said not interested. "Well I'll talk to you later." "Igh see you 5th." I said leaving. Once I walked back the bell rung. I have an art class first so we was drawing and painting. I'm so ready to leave. "Class we have a new student." My head shot up. I thought it was Lannie but instead it was a girl I fought last year. Her name was jasmine she was tall and her shape was all wrong I know my butt isn't big but her butt was literally flat. Her stomach was fat and she had a chubby face. When we fought she won the second time and she was so happy. But to be honest I think the first time was weak ass shit we was both on the ground yelling let my hair go and swinging🙄. "Her name is Jasmine and she transferred from Hillsborough." I guess she seen me because her smile faded away. I waved at her and mouthed hey bitch. She rolled her eyes. I laughed. "Ms.Jones is there something you would like to say" the teacher asked. "Uh nah." I said still laughing. "Well alright then continue your projects everyone their do at the end of class." I got up to get some supplies and jasmine followed me. "You still haven't got over that have you?" She whispered. "No because you had no right to run up if I didn't want to fight you you should have left it at that." I whispered back. "You should just let it go." She said leaving. I should run up on her like she did me. I got my stuff and sat down. I finished my project turned it in and then made up an excuse to leave early. I went to the library to start studying. "Hey what you doing in here?" I looked up to see Elijah. ?? "I'm studying. What are you doing in here?" "Reading. I don't have a first period so." "Oh I didn't know you read?" "Yea when I have time." He said. "Do you mind if I sit?" "Sure go ahead." I said. Who asks to sit down. "So what are you reading?" "It's a book called On the come up. It's about this boy that likes going to jail but when he gets out this time he tries to change his life." "Sounds good maybe I'll read it. You know I would've never thought you would be like this." "What do you mean?" "You seen like a pretty boy that plays girls not a book reader." He laughs "Well If I'm being honest you seemed like a mean ass quiet girl." "A What?" "It's cause your quiet and your always mugging people." I laughed cause it's true. "A lot of people here are scared of you." "Why?" "Well I heard you pulled a knife on someone." "It was scissors." "Well blame it on our fellow students to get stuff mixed up." We were now laughing again. "The bell bout to ring in 3 minutes." He said looking at his phone. We got our stuff and walked out. "Well I'm bout to go to Kirah class." "Igh." We went our separate ways.

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