Chapter 9 : The Second Day - The Tale of Gnatus

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"Mellissa, what in the world is Gnatus?" I asked, I think I mispronounced the word.

"Gnatus that is you and forever will be you. The son of Four Kingdoms." Mellissa seemed to be acting strange.

"Mellissa what are you talking about?" Asked Misty.

Ignoring Misty, Mellissa continued talking.

"I was told by the Demon Lord Fable, the ruler of the Third Kingdom of the Underworld, when you show the mark of Gnatus I shall reveal you what you have not been told."

"I haven't been told a lot of things," I muttered sneering under my breath but I stopped when I saw Mellissa glaring at me and I felt as though my soul may rip out of my body.

"There are Eleven Kingdoms of the Underworld, the first four are the Kingdoms of the Protectors, and the remainder are the seven Kingdoms of the Hade's. The First Kingdom the kingdom of Travel, ruled over by the Demon Lord Portal. The Second Kingdom, the Kingdom of Time, ruled over by the Demon Lord Father. The Third Kingdom, the one you know of already, the Kingdom of Fairy Tale and Moral, ruled over by The Demon Lord Fable. The Fourth Kingdom, the Kingdom of Death, ruled over by The Demon Lord Grim. These four Kingdom's are the ones that serve the Great Ones and Protect the Balance of the worlds. They are the ones in desperate times. They are the ones that needed a weapon. They are the ones that needed an Answer. They are the one's that created you... Gnatus."

"Wait a minute!" I cried out, "That's not possible! I'm human." A lot of things have been said and done that is not possible.

"Gnatus the son of four Kingdoms... Was an answer, Portal, Father, Fable and Grim, pronounced to produce a weapon with enough power to defeat the Angel and Demon Alliance but there was difficulty. Because of each of the Unique Kingdom's had different strengths the weapon they had made could not be determined on what it could do... Gnatus, was made with Portal's understanding of Gateways between worlds so Gnatus would be able to work swiftly in-between them if needed. With Father's understanding of time Gnatus was made as a reset, so everything would go back the way it should be erasing the alliance from history. Fable with his knowledge and moral conduct, Gnatus was made so he could understand all the strengths and weaknesses of Hade's. And with Grim's Understanding of death and decay Gnatus was made to be a killer to completely annihilate the enemy. But it is undetermined if Gnatus will ever be able to harness all of this, it is undecided if Gnatus will ever have all what the four Kingdoms have given him. But as I see the knowledge within the child, I know that we may have a fighting chance."

I stared blankly at Mellissa, I then glanced at Otaku staring at me as if I was some kind of amazing tool. I looked at Misty; she didn't know what to say. I laid down on the mattress that Otaku set up for me. Misty soon came and laid down next to me, and she smiled.

"I think," I uttered, "I think we should try and lay low."

"That sounds like a terrible idea Jamie." Otaku said kicking me softly as I was on the ground.

"No I mean if Mellissa is right, it means I know what I'm doing, and I don't think Anna knows we, know she's a demon."

"What makes you say that?" Misty asked,

"It's because she let us go. If she knew we saw her kill everyone you think she let us go? I don't think a demon is that stupid, especially as Mellissa put it, a powerful one."

"True, what about the threat? Remember what she said?"

I do remember what she said; she said, "Use protection, you're going to need it." At the time it sounded like a threat, but right now, starting to think about it, she could've been trying to act like a teenager. Besides if it's possible I'm a reset that can change history, why can't it be possible to change her way of preserving history?

"That was no threat. It was a sex joke." I announced, "I believe Demon's and high schoolers like to make sex jokes a lot."

"True," Mellissa agreed.

"True," Misty agreed.

"True," Otaku agreed.

"So here's the plan, we all pretend nothing happened." I said it seemed logical.

"One problem," Otaku said, "Once a Hade's smells a cloaking Angel after being revealed, they can't get the scent out until they murder the Angel or die themselves. Anna is going to know something's up."

"I don't care, right now... we need to make do with what we have."




"Shit my phone," I whispered, "Hi mum!"

"Jamie, I need you to come home it's five in the afternoon, you better not be doing anything you shouldn't!"

"I'm not! I'm just out with my friend."

"Come home, there are jobs to be done."


"Bye love you Jamie."

"Love you too mum."


"Sorry Otaku I need to go." I said in distort.

"It's okay, I'll stick to your plan for now." Otaku replied back, "bye..."

"Bye!" I hugged her, Otaku seemed like she needed a good hug, "See you later Otaku!" Than I left the house, I didn't realise how close it was to my house it was only a five houses down the road, very convenient.

"So when's your first date?" Mellissa asked nudging me with her elbow.

"You know Mellissa, I can't believe you would start acting like an asshole again after that speech." I laughed when I replied.

"Just because you're Gnatus doesn't mean I need to respect you dummy."

"Don't worry," Misty whispered in my ear, "Things are going to be fine."

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