Chapter 25: The Sixth Day - Rubble

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I looked around at the mess we left back in Brookebury. The metalwork room was reduced to rubble, the smell of burning flesh was evident in the air. As I walked towards the room the air got thick with ash and embers flew at my face singing the edges of my brown hair. I covered my face with my shirt filtering out any ash in case any of it got into my lungs. I asked myself the question, why was there fire? I tried to recall something. We didn't burn anything? But the media said it was a terrorist attack... Maybe they set it?

I climbed through the window that Chris Valentine was dragged through by his sister Wendy, the blood stain was dry and dark, almost black. I'm still surprised he was able to survive. I walked around kicking pieces of concrete out of the way trying not to trip. There was a hole in the floor the size of my bedroom that led to the sewer, the stench wouldn't be as bad if it wasn't mixed with smell of burning flesh. Where was the fire coming from? I asked myself. I looked around, I remember killing Paris, well "re-killing" her right at the spot I was standing. Maybe the police removed the bodies...

I stood in confusion for a few moments. They couldn't of moved all of the hundreds of bodies in a day, that's impossible and what about the ones in the sewer? I looked down the hole, there wasn't a body in sight, nothing. Where could the bodies be?

I walked out of the room, and looked to the hill on the left side of me, that's where the embers arose from. I looked in awe as I saw hundreds of distorted bodies piled layer after layer with each one of the students from my school. Their dead flaming eyes spoke thousands of words as they cried for help. The fire burnt furiously trying to reduce each person to ash. No one could've moved all of them this quickly. I got closer, still covering my mouth and nose with my shirt. The flame was hot, but something still felt off.

"If this what happens when I fail?" I whispered, I turned around, a Hade's was staring me dead in the eyes licking her lips drooling at the fact that I was going to be at her mercy.

"Oh let's play a game sweetheart, you be the prey and I be the..."

The bullet passed through the Hade's skull piercing through to the right side, making her fall over and evidently die. The sound enough was enough to make me jump back.

"I fucking hate these things." Otaku muttered, "What the hell are you doing up here? You said you wanted to get back home and make sure everyone is alright." As she said this she shot the body three more times for good measure.

"I... It doesn't matter."

"Then hurry then." Otaku started to walk back down the hill, I soon followed her. I looked back at the blazing furnace of the dead. Each one use to be human just like me, what happens when I turn into a demon myself?

"Jamie," Otaku said in a somewhat whisper.

"Yeah." I answered.

"Do you..." she paused, "Do you know how to hold a gun?"

"I can't say that I do, I mean I've seen people do it on movies and games, never actually held one before." I replied feeling a little embarrassed, obviously the woman I was talking to had a lot more experience.

"Well here," she passed me a pistol, I don't know what kind of pistol it was but whatever it was I didn't expect the weight of it.

As she let go of the gun into my hands my arms suddenly dropped to the floor making me tumble and fall over. My face dragged against the grass as dirt smeared around my forehead.

"It's a tad heavy." Otaku smirked.

"No shit." I replied, picking myself up and slowly with effort lifted the gun up until I could outstretch my arm all the way. The weight of the gun made my arm numb and gave me pins and needles. I looked out into the distance, trying to see if I could aim.

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