Chapter 16 : The Fourth Day - Underground

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I had no idea what just happened, but it was dark. Pitch black, I couldn't see and the only thing I could hear was the sound of Anna above of me.

"Smells like fucking shit in here." Mellissa yelled, Mellissa was right it does smell awful here, wherever this was.

"Jamie? Where are you Jamie?" Misty whispered.

"Who do you think you are? Juliet," Mellissa laughed, "Jamie, oh Jamie, where art thou Jamie!" Mellissa joked, I started to chuckle that was funny. And Chris did too I just couldn't see him.

"It's so dark in here!" Chris choked.

"Save your breath man," Leo whispered.

Misty's hair started to glow as her blue hair always did in the dark, her vibrant hair started to fill the place we were with joy as I saw everyone was safe, (except Chris) and then I realised why the place smelled like shit, because it was shit. We were in the sewer. Surrounded by shit.

Misty ran up to me and hugged me,

"Hey Misty!" I laughed and choked in the air.

"Are you two dating?" Leo asked.

"What makes you say that?" I asked back but before Leo could answer I saw the roof of the sewer started to shake.

"WHERE ARE THEY?" I heard Anna yell, "ANSWER ME YOU FUCKING BITCH." Did someone help us? I wonder whom.

"We should go, if we stay too long Anna will catch onto Misty's scent again." Otaku said.

"What are you?" Chris whispered, towards Misty.

"I am an Angel, my purpose is to protect Jamie from harm." Misty said with pride.

"Jamie must like you he has a lot of pictures of you, ha, ha." Chris grabbed onto his wound trying to stop blood from leaking out.

"We need to get to a hospital quick."

"There is an Ambulance waiting for you three hundred metres to your left," I heard someone whisper and I turned to the left and there was a ladder three hundred metres in that direction leading back to the surface, "Hurry before the one you love bleeds out." That's when I saw a womanly figure hidden under the cloak, the same figure that grew wings on Friday, she pointed her ancient staff with the word "gate" inscribed on the side of it at the ladder.

"Thank you." Leo said picking up Chris on the shoulder and running in the water towards the ladder, I haven't seen the two of them since, I hope they made it.

"The rest of you follow me, or die." The cloaked figure whispered and she ran in the opposite direction of what Leo and Chris did. I saw her long Lavender coloured hair follow her as quickly as I did. I needed to know who she was. She sounded familiar, like a feeling of nostalgia overtook me.

"It would've been better if you said come with me if you want to live. But whatever." Mellissa laughed, but she stopped laughing as she saw the word "gate" on the staff that this mysterious woman wielded as Mellissa must've had some kind of respect for this person. This made it easier for me to trust and wherever I went Misty was sure to follow.

I had no idea where she was taking us. But my gut told me to trust her, that I know her, that she's an old friend. We followed her, keeping a slight pace as we jogged, I tried asking her "Who are you?" but she didn't seem to be the talkative type. She was silent most of time, but she was straight to the point and stern when she spoke.

"Where is she taking us? What if this is a trap?" Misty whispered to me.

"Trust me I could've killed you by now if I wanted to," The cloaked woman said, making shivers go down my spine. I would've thought of Mellissa making a stupid joke by now but she was silent, dead silent, more silent than I've ever seen before. Talking I think might've made it worse...

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