Chapter 45: ??? - Jimmy

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After the entire transformation, I felt different almost light-headed. But Portal eagerly awaited my leave as I needed to hurry, I was told by Portal that the closest Kingdom from Travel, was Death. Which in my popular opinion was the place I wanted to go. To get everyone back. Yet there was a few flaws with this plan on going this way, no one knew how these kingdoms work, they know the closest one but the Kingdom's end to move and breath as if they were each an individual soul. To get to I may have to run through a couple of the Seven Kingdom's of Hade's. There was however a statistic on which kingdoms I may pass through, there was sixty percent chance of having to go through Wrath, a twelve percent chance of going through Gluttony, and a twenty two percent chance of being involved with Lust. And with those odds they entrusted me to go with Jimmy the Killick, as he was the only one who knew the fastest way around the underworld and knew exactly how to get to each Kingdom.

All you had to do was ask. So when I said goodbye to Portal and got a monster bear hug from Xena I set off with the giant marshmallow with teeth and began following Jimmy to where Death was.

"Okay Jimmy take me to the Kingdom of Death." I asked, and Jimmy started sprinting extremely fast. Damn it. Its short stubby legs acted like fingers crawling across someone's skin on the Underworlds landscape. As I ran realized the landscape varied and almost acted like clockwork. I still felt chilled to the bone especially because I had no shirt but, the scenery seemed too bright with colour especially since we were so close to the Kingdom of Gateways and Travel. The trees all looked as if they were eucalyptus trees but the leaves were of Lavender, and yellow and as I progressed past the trees, they varied in colour. Some leaves were black as night and others as red as blood. And it wasn't just the leaves that changed colour, a river that I assumed Jimmy was making me follow went from a musky orange to a dull washed out blue. Rocks however seemed to just be the same washed out grey throughout the landscape and I began to be confused.

Suddenly Jimmy stopped right in front of me and I nearly tripped over his big squishy head.

"What is it boy?" did I just treat it like a dog?

Jimmy licked its lips and extended his legs by what looked like a kilometre high.

"Holy fuck." I whispered as Jimmy began to retract his legs and continue to walk in mid-air beneath the washed out grey clouds.

"Jimmy what the fuck?" I yelled as he continued to walk, "How the fuck am I meant to get up there?" I really wished I had those wings that came with the Demon Starter Pack that Portal gave me. Wait a minute, I began to think, how far can my new power take me? I mean I've been able to create portals on my body and a couple metres away, but can I do one from a kilometre? Fuck I can barely see Jimmy from up there he looks like a pebble again, but it's worth a shot. I looked at the sky and looked on where Jimmy was and decided that is the point I wanted to go. I remembered the feeling of hope and anger, and placed my hands against the ground.

"This better fucking work." I whispered under my breath as I touched the crunchy grainy grass with the tips of my fingers. I felt my eyes twitch with life and my left arm began to illuminate the dull atmosphere with the contrasting lavender and yellow. A door appeared within the ground, a simple door, not made of wood made from the portal.

"Jesus that wasn't meant to happen, this should do it though." I opened the door and saw Jimmy walking in a vertical direction away from me. Yep this is definitely it I thought as I jumped through the lavender and yellow door. I just landed on my feet on the other side of the door, a kilometre in the air with no ground under my feet.

"Awesome!" I screamed in enjoyment, I felt alive among the clouds, and I decided to touch one with my hand, and instead of condensing into water, it turned into snowflakes when I tapped each one. Each one unique in its own special way, each one individual and as I tried catching up to Jimmy, I started to think, these snowflakes are kind of like people. All look similar but each one has their own unique personality.

I began to puff as Jimmy's legs were much faster than mine.

"Wait what am I thinking I can easily catch up to him!" I laughed as I made a portal appear in front of me and a travelled instantly in front of Jimmy. I smiled at the marshmallow but he didn't seem to be pleased with my attempt to catch up to him as he jumped over my head and continued to run, faster.

"Oh no you don't!" I laughed as I made another portal in front of him. Now the thing about having no ground to see means I don't know when the ground stops. So being me I began free falling down back to the ground, it would take a while to fall to the ground but I started to scream.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit." I yelled as I tried opening up another gateway, "Come one Flavo, Casia anything would be nice right now." Eventually a portal appeared in front of me but another mistake I forgot about Newton's Second Law of Force is the equivalent of mass times acceleration. And I believe the acceleration of gravity in the underworld is a lot more than earths. So the momentum I had was still large because there was no forces acting against me was still very large and the force I had when I hit that Hade's was enough for me to tear it apart and go through it with a single hit. He slowed me down enough for me to live without injuring myself to much but yeah...

I killed a Hade's from Gluttony and that isn't a good first impression.

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