Chapter 56: Sloth A High King

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We left Reed's Kingdom, with barely any setbacks. There was a couple of Greedy hade's trying to steal Jimmy. But Jimmy tore their throats out. What a nice companion to travel with, and not try to kill us. Misty wore a pitch black tracksuit that Grim had left her. The white lining made it seem kind of majestic.

"Too bad she didn't give you anything else," it was quite funny, she had nothing else but the tracksuit.

"It's not funny Jamie." Misty's embarrassed face was really cute, and as we walked her face seemed to clear up and so did her leg. Reed's Kingdom was a giant Mansion, and in fact when you turned around and saw it in the distance it has a particular allure to it. It does make you want more then you should have, it makes you greedy. Jimmy tended to run towards a beach. The sand crusted with an orange tinge, and the water a dark grey, which was warm to the touch.

"Hey Jamie," Misty said interrupting a good conversation about potatoes we were having, "I think I figured this sword out," Misty smiled, as she pulled the red ripped sleeve on her wrist and the sword started to move as her hand did. It's unique silver colouring seemed unscratched. The other thing that was pretty interesting about the sword is that it was slightly curved, with markings of flowers on the handle which reminded me of a musket design.

"Pretty neat." She's a natural I guess, like I am... Although I can't get too confident I need to focus on Lucy and Christ. The two people I would like to see buried in the ground. I don't care how cruel it sounds, but watching that would put me at ease. Not for revenge but for the world.

"Jamie Dale, Gnatus in my quarters," I strong menacing voice shouted throughout the beach. Usually Jimmy stops to see what's happening but this time he bolted as fast as he could. Away far away, I turned around to see who spoke. And the incredible sight, I saw of a fifteen metre tall sloth, sitting on a throne somewhat startled me, and when I mean startled I mean scared shitless. Like how the fuck does this kind of thing sneak up on you?

"Uh yes..." I muttered, Misty looked at me and I nodded, which gave her the signal to run after Jimmy. I felt something strange in the pit of my stomach, this creature was capable of destroying everything and anything he wanted. It was fucking menacing.

"I am the High King of the seven kingdoms." his sloth claws clicked interest, "You realise I could kill you, like so many have tried already."

I could feel my stomach drop.

"Although I'm not really feeling it," the sloth yawned.

"You're not really feeling it?" there was silence, followed by a lazy snore, "He seriously fell the fuck to sleep?"

I stood there for a moment, and as soon as I moved my foot he spoke once again, "Before you go," the sloth yawned out, "Take this, it's a present." suddenly a ball of lightning appeared in front of me, and a silver coin appeared in front of me.

"A coin?" I grabbed onto it.

"Yeah, I'm not big on presents, I kinda get lazy with ideas."

"I could tell." Snores filled the room once more, he fell asleep again... "Are you fucking kidding me?" I spazzed out. I walked away, this conversation will never get anywhere. The most powerful being in the universe, a giant lazy sloth.

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