Chapter 50:Death An Empty Kingdom

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As I walked within the darkness it wasn't too long until Jimmy the Killick realised how far behind he was and caught up to me. The darkness didn't last too long, it was just like walking through a straight line, and it wasn't as dark as I thought. I mean there was light illuminated through the other side of this dark place which Jimmy followed. As I ended up on the other side of the darkness, it seemed as if I stumbled upon a small yard for training. "Seems like someone left in a hurry, huh Jimmy?" I laughed, the training yard was deserted, weapons laid upon the ground as if no one bothered cleaning up this area. The sky was black as night however I could feel the warmth of the sun which illuminated against the grey grass, which seemed to be well nourished. On this field there distinct features, one was a throne chair placed ever so delicately on top of a wooden stairway. Another feature was the deep insignia of heart but instead of the heart complete the right side of it shot slightly upwards as if it was claw, surrounding the heart seemed to be more spikes coming out of each side. Each side had three spikes, no colour however glossed over the symbol. The third distinct feature was that this training yard seemed vast but yet enclosed, as the words floating in the sky shined the dull colours of Death.

"I wonder what happened here." I spoke aloud, my voice echoed within the darkness. "It looks like the right place, death seems to be cruel and intent here." I looked over at the archery practice targets. Around them were rows of different long ranged weapons, rounding from a traditional hunting bow to a musket.

"At least these people aren't living in the past." Why am I still speaking to myself?

I sat down in my own silence,

"God I miss Misty..."

"God I miss Mellissa..." I heard something echo back.

"Who's there?" I yelled in a shriek voice, was it just a coincidence that someone would mention Mellissa?

A figure walked in front of me wearing nothing but black, his skin pale as snow. He seemed to be thinned to the bone, it was obvious that whomever I'm dealing with didn't have an appetite. His hair shaggy yet grey, his eyes washed out, colourless just like the rest of him. But the feature that threw me off the most is that he bore my face. He resembled me, in such a way that we could be twins. He however didn't look like he's ever eaten a decent meal, and the infuriated look on his face, was more threatening than anything I could ever look.

"So this is who Grim made me wait for." My Doppelganger, snapped his neck to the left, "So it's either you or me, who gets out of this in one piece. Because if I don't tear through you I'll never get Mellissa back."

His neck snapped to the right, as he sprung forth up into the sky and spread out the most magnificent wings I've ever seen. They tinted a glossy silver with black tips for feathers, and as he charged at me I had the feeling he wasn't going to be friendly. As his flight pattern was obvious to be straight for my chest I did the first thing which came to my mind. I covered myself in Casia, and allowed the other Jamie to pass straight through me.

"Holy shit that was close!" I yelled, "What's your problem!"

"The problem is the younger you're alive the longer I have to wait to get my eternal love back, and the faster I can become Gnatus."

"Jesus you're psychotic." I shouted. With that the other Jamie's raged seemed to flourish, he grabbed a great sword off the racks on the training shelf. It looked as if that sword alone would weigh more than I.

"You're calling me psychotic?" He yelled as he ran at speeding, with a giant black sword illuminating red crystal was wielded within his hand. "Didn't you come here for the exact same thing? To save your precious Misty?" He shouted at the top of his lungs as the swords tip cut me across the chest breaking some of my bandages and making me bleed small amounts out of the chest. It was only a scratch but that force alone was enough to knock me over. I crawled towards one of the weapons on the ground, there has to be something to fight back with.

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