Chapter 48: Lust A Kingdom of Desire

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At first I was shocked, not only was I seeing my dead, girlfriend/imaginary friend/long-time friend. I was seeing her in the sexiest lingerie I've witnessed in my life. I won't give specifics out because of you perverts take things too far. But her baby blue hair wrapped around her beautifully.

"Jamie!" She laughed as she ran up to me and tackle hugged me and tried kissing me on the lips. "Oh Jamie I knew you would come for me, but don't hesitate to cum for me."

Now at this point I was one hundred percent sure something was off, in fact I felt more disgusted than anything. Misty is a sweet caring person, not someone who would be hiding out in a kingdom in lingerie just waiting for me to have sex with them. It was unnatural and I felt disgusted in myself and her for that matter.

"Sorry," I whispered as I slowly pushed her off me, "I can't this isn't right."

Misty's glittering seductive baby blue eyes shined into mine.

"You don't find me beautiful anymore?" Misty laughed an adorable laugh that made my heart race on edge, "Oh poo-wee, would you rather her?" She pointed as, Otaku emerged from the shadows, wearing nothing but silky lingerie and her Brown Shaggy jacket. Her hair flourished with pink hair dye, and continuously changed hair colour.

"Jamie," Otaku whispered embarrassingly, "Do I please you? I didn't know what colour you liked so I picked all of them."

I backed away slowly, why the fuck would Jimmy take me to this place, it's messing with me, it's taunting me.

"She isn't sufficient either?" Misty yawned, "How 'bout some others."

"Hey Jamie! We want you." two figures said simultaneously, Mellissa, and Lavender walked out, both completely drenched in water, Lavender's hair steaming off and her wings outstretched, her lingerie was Lavender just like her eyes and hair. Mellissa's tail seemed oddly right to be on her when she wore nothing but her cloak and grey lingerie.

"I always knew you were a horny bastard Jamie, what was it? Stop studying me so much I can see the hunger in your eyes, you want me so bad." Mellissa snickered out.

This isn't right, I whispered as they all gathered around me, this feels so wrong. Although doesn't it feel so right? A voice spoke inside my head.

"I don't know exactly." I replied to it as if it was familiar.

Don't play hard to get give in to the lust Jamie Dale.

"I don't think that's such a good idea."

"It's strange," Misty stuttered out, "Are we seriously not enough?" There was a pause for a moment....

"How 'bout her?" Misty smiled. With a sudden shift in movement Anna Shae walked in the room, her straw coloured hair manipulated into Lucy's black hair.

"Yeah that'll do it." I smiled.

"Oh really?" Misty sounded so happy, and she began to lick my face and kiss me on the lips.

"Yep really." My smile turned into anger and fury as I pointed Otaku's revolver against Misty's neck and shot her through the skull.

"Don't you dare fuck with me!" I yelled as I continued to shoot each and every female in that room.

"Oh Jamie. Why'd you have to go ahead and do that?" Misty brought her head back up, it started to change shape and form. Her hair twisted, her head turned, and she began to shriek. Her head started to split into two where the bullet hit. She licked my face once more.

"You're going to regret that." She smiled. Her arms began to turn into blades, as if she was behaving like Wendy did back in the Metal Work Room in school. I realised it took time for this Hade's to transform. So I grabbed Misty's counterpart by the neck and created a portal as I witnessed Lavender do once before. The Lavender essence surrounded the demonic Misty's Neck and contracted.

"No you're going to regret that." And with one clean swipe her head ripped off and appeared on the ground in front of the other Hade's.

"I'm guessing we aren't going to be able to manipulate him after all," Mellissa sighed.

"It would've been perfect to have a manipulated protector on our side." Otaku sighed her arm twisting frantically.

"We could still eat him." Lavender's counterpart suggested ripping open her jaw revealing scaled teeth, cleaner than the Gluttony Hade's but still looked horrifying.

"Why didn't it work anyway?" Anna and Lucy's counterpart asked. "We should've been sufficient.

As an instant reaction I yelled at her.

"Because you murdered her..." my teeth started to grind together, "And it's going to take more than a few woman to make me someone's bitch."

"So you're gay then?" Mellissa's one snarled, "We need to stop just objectifying woman,"

"You know how hard it is to transform into a man for a man?" Otaku's counterpart argued. Why the fuck are they having an argument didn't they want to kill me or something? And did she say I was gay? Well she's half right I guess more like thirty percent right. Wait why am I calculating how much I like men right now?

"Guy's I'm getting really fucking hungry." Lavender's counterpart yelled, her head twitching with each word.

"Fine then Jinx feast away."

With that the Lavender Hade's known as Jinx, started to charge at me, she didn't bother transforming. She must've known her fate if she gave me that opening. Jinx's Lavender hair flickered and waved as she went for fast jabs at my chest.

"Damn it," I spat out as I couldn't have enough space to pull out the revolver. "Guess this is a fist fight."

For a woman only wearing lingerie, which honestly looks uncomfortable to fight in, Jinx was pretty quick and useful for a fight. Her punches were quick and sharp and when she power punched me in the stomach with her left fist it made me lose my breath. Not in a good way.

"Why can't I land a hit?" I whispered to myself trying to catch my breath. I stood up straight and raised my fists, this time I saw her coming. She was aiming for my face, I ducked underneath it. She staggered out almost landing on me, so I lifted up my fist and landed an uppercut her stomach. I didn't kill her something refused me to do it. Jinx landed on the ruby floor spitting out blood.

"Wow you're actually pretty good." Mellissa's counterpart suggested. "Oi Jinx."

Jinx yelled, "What is it Paige?" Jinx didn't seem to be please coughing out her blood.

"Just let him go..." Paige shouted.

"What why?" Jinx seemed to upset, "I'm so hungry."

"We know you are, we all are but it's obvious if this continues we're all going to end up dead like Sasha on the ground." Otaku's counterpart said.

"Ah fine, you're so pushy Nina" Jinx yelled.

"Don't give her attitude young lady," Anna's counterpart yelled, "Because of that you're going to escort our guest to the other side of the kingdom and too wherever he needs to go."

"But, but Mia..."

"Don't but me." Mia shouted.


"Um I'm seriously confused."

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