Chapter 38

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I wake up... I didn't know why but when I opened my eyes again I was surrounded by medical equipment. I had tubes gone through my nose down my arms and pretty much everywhere. I saw that I was in a hospital room, next to me was a vase of flowers and some cards written by a few people. Without my glasses it was really hard to see. The gown I wore was like all standard patient clothing. I felt sick to my stomach, as a fit coughs murdered my lungs.

"Jamie try to take it easy." That voice was so familiar, yet felt so distant, "Why didn't you talk to us about it instead of trying to take your own life?" I grabbed my glasses off a counter, they were my old black ones I had an about a fortnight ago. I was dazed by what I saw.

"Mum?" I whispered out, as another fit of coughing rose to my lungs.

"Sorry Mrs Dale, but I should've told," there was another familiar voice, "But it was Jamie's decision and I had to let him do it."

"What do you mean you had to let him do it?" My mother yelled, "He's lucky to be alive even in this condition."

"I know, and for that I am grateful, but he's terminally ill. I can't imagine what kind of pain he's in!"

That's it I knew who was talking to my mother... It was Ben Riley.

"BEN, MUM!" I shouted in excitement, they both turned to look at me, it wasn't the first time I've seen my mother so sad, tears running down her face, but I was glad I did. I wanted to hug her but I could barely move. "I'm glad you're alright."

"Yeah you too buddy." Ben laughed, his blue eyes as colourful as ever, he's brown shaggy hair almost the same as the day I saw him die.

"How?" I asked, I was in so much shock.

"He must've had another one of his episodes." Ben seemed distressed, and fiddled with his thumbs.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Jamie," my mother spoke, her voice seemed to tremble. "You may not remember, your condition makes you forget sometimes."

"What on earth are you on about? And why am I in a hospital?" I laughed.

"You have lung cancer Jamie." Ben stuttered, "The chemotherapy, may have slowed down the tumour but for some reason your body transferred the chemo to your brain. The part that perceives memory."

"So I've got cancer and memory loss now?" I didn't slightly care I was glad that they were both alive.

"Why are you smiling?" my mum laughed, "You just jumped off a cliff for Christs sake." The word Christ made me sick to my stomach.

"I'm just glad you two are alright." I laughed again, I've never been so happy to see my mum. Ben laughed at that and gave me a shoulder punch, the pain it gave me was immense, and I must've hit the ground too after jumping off that cliff.

"Your favourite person is here!" I recognized that voice as well, Chris Valentine barged in the door, with Wendy, "I brought a get well cake, for my special snowflake."

"Can you be anymore gay Chris?" Wendy murmured, the worried look on her face was a surprise. Especially after seeing her die that is.

"Yes I can." Chris chuckled, "I got you a flower to Jamie!"

One after the other more classmates came in to greet me, even Carrie Summers the girl who had been skipping class came to see me. I didn't realise how much people cared for me... But one thing didn't feel right.

"Where's Misty and Mellissa?" I just slipped out of my mouth, they should be here... Even if were just imaginary friends now.

"Who?" Ben asked eating a slice of cake.

"Never mind." I whispered. I couldn't stop thinking about it... I guess the Reset did work like intended, except me being allowed to stay. I guess this was an easier way for the world to get rid of me, but what about Misty? Is she still in Heaven? What about Mellissa? Is she still a dirty pervert? It was on my conscious for hours, I had a feeling that my conscious was going to be so big it would materialise.

That's when I realised it did. Otaku walked up to me with her pink hair.

"Seems a bit strange doesn't it." She whispered next to my ear, "Think about it Jamie..."

I started to think, I couldn't put my finger to it.

"Well you're not an Alien." I laughed. She pulled on my ear, "Okay, okay!" I shouted for a bit.

"Oh look those two are still going strong together!" Leo laughed giving me the thumbs up.

"THINK HARDER." Otaku seemed to be pissed.

"Okay, um." I started to think than I realised, "This isn't real..."

"Bingo." Otaku smiled.

Jamie Dale - The Eleven KingdomsWhere stories live. Discover now