Chapter 65: A New Day Death is inevitable

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I was alone with Esmeralda at the tree. She smiled at me as she coughed out blood sat in a position where she could barely move. Tears of rage, sadness, and guilt drenched my face. By now I had already diffused from Misty and Mellissa, the fight was ongoing but I lost the will to fight. Another close friend on the brink of death. I cut the sleeves off my jacket to create a bandage

"I'm so sorry Otaku," I cried, however she just laughed and smiled at me, tears rolling down her cheek.

"I can't believe you still call me that" She smiled.


"You're such a damn fool, I asked you to call me that as a joke, but you never caught on, just call me by my name." Esmeralda smiled once more, "I can't believe the man I love was so oblivious to a simple joke."

I continued crying.

"Don't cry, if you keep that up I'm going to cry some more as well, you don't want to see a lady cry do you?" She said with tears. "Your friends need you more then ever now, you can't give up because of me."

More blood, so much more blood came out of her body.

"I'm sorry, this is all my fault." I kept on crying, she pulled me in and kissed me, the tears coming from both our faces connected, I could feel her blood run down my cheek as she let go. It started to burn but I didn't care, the emotions overwhelmed the physical pain.

"I just needed one last kiss before I passed away," Esmeralda laughed, "I know it doesn't mean much to you, but it means the world to me, to feel you love me one last time..." She paused in shock for a second. "I know how to kill her. It's blood, my blood." She touched my face were her blood burnt me. "I'm sorry Jamie, but this is the only way, I hope you understand."

She grabbed her knife and cut her throat open, I tried to stop the bleeding with my hands. The blood couldn't seep through my gloves, my arms burned at the pain however. Her blood felt acidic and it was now drenching my gloves. Esmeralda, stopped breathing, with a smile on her face. And my sadness, and anger moved towards lucy and and Josef. Callum laid dead on the ground, his wings disfigured from a fight I did not witness.

Another death on me. So many people dying because of me, because of them!

I walked slowly towards Lucy in my frustration. Misty, was on the ground with a broken leg, it was only Lavender and Mellissa fighting them at this point.

"So the son of four finally stops sulking over his whore," Josef mocked. I had no time for his bullshit, "What's the matter? You're too weak to fight anymore?" Josef got in my way. I punched him full force through his stomach, the blood soaked into his flesh, and he could no longer heal.

"What have you done to me you swine?" He screamed gasping for air, I pressed my finger tips under his jaw, and pulled, his head came off rather easily.

"What are you?" Lucy cried out, terrified once again.

"I'm just someone who is fucking pissed." I raged. And without using anything, except my fists and Esmeraldas blood I beat Lucy to the ground, repeatedly punching her, letting the blood burn her over and over again. She tried escaping my punches but she could barely move after the first one.

"Please let me go!" She cowered.

I simply said "no" and continued to beat her until she died, for good. No regenerating. No coming back to life. I erased her life from existence.

I had murdered Lucy, out of anger and frustration.

"You're the true monster here." Josef spoke with his head disconnected from his body, "You kill for your friends but never think about others, I loved that woman! And you fucking killed her. I hope you rot, I hope you make mistakes that you cannot fix. And I hope you get corrupted just as bad as she did, because that's all you deserve. Why did you have to kill her? She begged for mercy and you kept going?"

"You're acting as if I represent some kind of hero." I said, "I am just following my emotions, as both of you were, I may act like a demon, but I've been human most of my life, this is how humanity acts. I killed her, because her begging was a lie. She would always be a threat, like you are right now. Josef, I'm sorry that your one true love had to die. However simply put it that is a half-hearted apology. I don't care that she did. She's taken so much, this isn't even half of what I should've done to her."

"You're insane."

"Maybe," I said walking up to his head, I pressed my foot against his cheek, "Any last words before your time ends."

"Yes, actually." Josef said in displeasure, "I hope we meet again, so I can fucking kill you myself." Before I could end his life, his head buried into the surface of the earth.

"Death is inevitable Josef."

Misty walked towards me, I took off my gloves, and sat down on the dead grass.

"I am so exhausted," I sighed.

"Emotionally and physically?" She asked, and sat down next to me. I nodded, "Yeah same." She leaned on my shoulder.

I looked up in the sky, the worlds were still coming down but it looked beautiful.

"Shall we go and see River? We may have to end his life." Misty cried with those words.

"Yeah I know." I said dreadfully, as I created a portal to where his body was chained. He was talking to Lympha.

"River please don't do this, I can't have you die!" she cried, that made two people.

"Mother," he smiled at Lympha, "Daughter," he smiled at Misty, "It's okay, it's the path I have chosen, please mother, can you take my life the very one you gave to me?"

Lympha cried, "I raised such a brave man."

River held Misty's and Lympha's hand as Lympha drained the life out of him turning him into just a puddle of water. Both Misty and Lympha cried, it was a sight that made it even more clearer that the price of victory was too great.

I left them alone, I felt as if they needed a moment, so I talked to Lavender instead.

"I know you needed to kill her so don't apologise." she said bluntly, "The plea for mercy was so she could turn on you, it was an obvious trick."

"Are you going to be okay?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm going to return home, back to my kingdom, thank you Jamie, for everything." She smiled, as she opened up a portal to leave. Just before she went inside it, I hugged her, she broke down into tears. Of course her sisters wickedness would've been too much for her, it would've destroyed me. Misty and Mellissa soon hugged her with me. Just one big group hug.

Mellissa had the audacity to take a selfie of all of us crying just before she left.

"You know, he may have been annoying but Callum was still my brother, It'll be hard to know that he'll most likely never come back, Grim wasn't much of a fan of his. It's quite sad." Mellissa looked at me and smiled, "However if he makes it to the sanctuary he'll try and get all the booty he can," she cried as she joked. "Anyway you should really comfort Misty, as the world's realign themselves, looks like it's going to be a romantic evening." She said looking at the sky. It was already sunset.

I sat with Misty, we just sat, watching heaven and the underworld drift away. After a few hours we finally spoke to each other.

"Jamie, I love you." Misty said, "I really do."

"I know, I love you too." I kissed her.

Even though there was so much darkness recently we found light within one another...

Jamie Dale - The Eleven KingdomsWhere stories live. Discover now