Chapter 58: Envy Kingdom of Envy

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As soon as we walked out of the door of time, of course we said goodbye first but when we took our first step outside, a kingdom laid before us. What made it easier to tell which one it was, the creepy old woman who, whispered to me.

"I wish I had your tail," I knew bitches were going to be envious of my sexy new tail but I didn't know it would happen this quick. Although this kingdom of envy, it was filled with nothing but others wanting what someone had. Or someone getting jealous over someone. It wasn't a nice sight, and in fact these Hade's seemed to be more distracted by wanting something then actually taking it. Unlike the Hade's Reed who would kill for his greed.

Some of the Hade's were friendly they envied not having friends, that envied a human life that I once had.

"Jamie," Misty tugged on my jacket, "They're following us." I looked behind us and there were at least seven Hade's all just staring at us.

"Why aren't they enemies?" One spoke, her hair green.

"One's an angel the other a demon, they should be tearing each others throats out."

"They're in love, I bet."

"Fucking disgusting."

"Misty, I think these guys are envious of our relationship," I smiled, but the look on her face said no shit but they're going to try to kill us.

"Well shit," I whispered, I watched as their bodies started to tear apart and split. Seven envious Hade's. Unlike gluttony these ones wore clothes, they were well built and toned, and their faces seemed to know their true objective. To destroy what they can't have. Skin greener than the wicked witch of the west staining them like a disease. Bile spewed out of the lips.

They started to circle us, as if it was a formation they have been working on for weeks. A female from the right attacked first straight for Misty. Misty reacting in panic held Reeds blade and submerged into the stomach of the Hade's. It didn't die it just stood their with a sword in it smiling.

"What a shame," The Hade's laughed, "You even lost your sword,"

"Misty remember what that sword can do," Misty nodded and with a flick of her wrist she controlled the blade to cut the Hade's open by spinning itself. The Hade's fell into two pieces, the leg's piece and the body piece.

The Rest of the Hade's didn't seem to be impressed, more just angry that the thing they want is better than them. Three went for me at once, and at that second my tail flicked, and time slowed down. The three Hade's just ran in slow motion, I walked towards them, their faces looking confused as I ended up behind them with a knights sword stabbing one in the back and doing what I did with Grim where the sword cut upwards until the head was split. The other two tried punching me, and since the force of their blows were slow I easily just grabbed one of their fists and flipped him over my body onto the cold hard ground breaking every bone in his body. The third one didn't even expect a bullet to be fired into his head.

As I finished up with my three, the two left that Misty was taking head on were somehow able to deflect Reed's sword. Lucky the sword gave enough legroom for Misty to run around and still fight. I walked up, to the slow motioned Hade's Misty was fighting. I surrounded my body in Flavo and Casia and walked through the beast, and as I did, her body ripped apart. The last one was a bit faster than the rest, I actually had to dodge his attacks. But still, I easily cut off his legs. Blood shouldn't be a big deal for me anymore, but I think I'm never going to get use to dismembering people, or things.

My tail flicked again and time returned to normal.

"You moved faster than the flash," Misty said in excitement waving her arms around.

"Thanks for the compliment but the flash could possibly move faster than I ever could." I laughed, I looked at the dead bodies that laid before me, I did this. Why do I have to kill so much?

That's the million dollar question, I guess. Was Father sure I wasn't the one who was destined to destroy everything? Trivial things shouldn't be lurking in mind but I couldn't help it.

"Jamie what's wrong?" Misty asked me in a serious concern, her sword evenly placed by her fingertips.

"I just don't know how much killing is too much killing, is there a point to stop?"

"You're fighting for survival, there's no point on making yourself worry, this is how the universe works unfortunately, and everyone is going to have to go through this." Misty's voice stuck to my mind and I guess those words will never leave it.

We need to survive.

Jamie Dale - The Eleven KingdomsWhere stories live. Discover now