Chapter 7 : The Second Day - Sleep and Knowledge

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I can't remember specific details about the night I walked home with Otaku, too many conflicting emotions were racing through my head at a million kilometres per hour and I just couldn't comprehend everything. I do remember being paranoid at being followed and think Otaku might've been as well because she kept looking behind us as if our shadows were stalking us. We walked into Otaku's house I can't even remember if it was in good condition or not because the first thing I did was collapse on the ground as soon as we walked into the house.

I had a wonderful dream though, I dreamt that I was with my family, my mother and father were back together and it was all thanks to me. Thanks to me that they found a way to blame someone else for dad's drug addiction, that some unknown person forced his drug addiction on him, and I was the one who figured out who it was. I was a hero, my dream kept changing but each dream was still wonderful, I dreamt that the tales that Misty and Mellissa were real, that Fable and River was an actual Demon and Angel, and they did want me to live. Could you believe it a powerful beings want me to live. I love my dreams, I think my last was getting married, too I think it was Misty. Misty she makes me feel better about myself all the time, she has never failed to do so. The dream of our marriage took place in a semi-modern church, my best man was Ben, the brides maids were, Mellissa –funny seeing her in a dress- Otaku and someone else her face was not quite clear I couldn't make out who she was but it didn't matter. The dream felt so real and it made me feel so happy inside. The dream was perfect,

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," the priest said and Misty and I kissed. I looked at her face once again... the dream was too good to last. It was Anna with those glaring teeth staring at me blood dripping down the wedding gown.

"Wanna play a game Jamie?" Anna said cheerfully, the walls of my dream started to shatter, "Oh nice wedding, but aren't you forgetting someone?" Anna then pulled out Otaku's dismembered head from her wedding dress "I didn't want any jealous tension, but I thought this is the woman you loved, my mistake I'll just have to kill her."

That's when I woke up, wonderful things always end up going wrong. I woke up slowly and felt pain all through my body; I am not a morning person. I then got up and realised where I was, I was in Otaku's bedroom on a mattress on the floor. Crap I thought to myself, my mother doesn't know where I am she is going to be worried, in fact I am worried. Before I could frantically look for my phone to message my mum, I heard Otaku say,

"I took the liberty of taking your phone to message your family that you are visiting a friends house because, the gathering got out of hand and you didn't want to walk home by yourself." She said without looking at me, she was fixated on the computer monitor she was on, and drinking from her soda cup that looked like it was from a fast food restaurant.

I looked at her surprised on how good she was at being well her.

"What time is it?" I asked standing up to stretch my arms.

"Two thirty in the afternoon," Otaku replied taking a bite out of a burger, she definitely went to a fast food place. I think she was on a social media website as well, the things she was posting looked kind of funny.

"Two thirty..." I said with tiredness, "Wait, where's my Jacket?" I asked, I couldn't see my favourite grey jacket anywhere.

"I washed it and put it in the dryer," Otaku said, "I know you like that Jacket very much so I decided to wash it for you." She said, still not looking at me.

"Ah, thank you," that's actually the nicest thing she's ever done for me.

Otaku stopped whatever she was doing on the computer and stood up. She looked like she never went to bed but she was wearing pyjamas, cute purple pyjamas. Otaku walked up to me and leant close to me,

"You need to eat," Otaku said, and placed a burger in my hand, I thought she was going to kiss me again. She didn't move until I took a bite, and my god this burger had tasted heavenly after the long night I had.

"So Jamie, did you score?" Mellissa whispered. I had forgotten about Mellissa and Misty. I then remembered the events of last night, and how Misty and Mellissa were able to physically help me, and how Anna called Misty a "Cloaking Angel."

"Last night was so fucked." Mellissa said.

"I have to agree with Mellissa, though I wish she rephrased her words." Misty murmured, "I'm just glad you're safe!" Misty smiled and hugged me tight; it was tighter than what she did when we first met; which was a first.

"Who are they?"

Mellissa jumped onto my back in surprise. I turned around and saw that it was Otaku who had said it but I didn't know if she was referring too Misty and Mellissa or too some one from last night.
"Who are who?" I replied.

"The angel and demon that follow you, I've been wondering this ever since I first met you a year ago." Otaku said in pure interest. It was as I was struck by lightening, Otaku knew about them this entire time? I thought, that means I'm not insane like everyone's is telling me. My therapist was wrong, my mother was wrong, everyone was wrong. Mellissa and Misty is as real as you and I, and that means... The stories that they've told me must be real too. Everything has been fact but I was too up my own ass to realise it.

"They're my friends," I said, it was the only thing I could think of,

Misty grabbed onto me tighter trying to move me away from Otaku, I don't think Misty trusted Otaku at all. Mellissa on the other hand did not care,

"Finally someone other than this twat can see me." Mellissa praised, and walked towards Otaku. Mellissa pretended to pounce like a lion to try and make Otaku to flinch. But Otaku was far to bewitch, Mellissa's teeth and claws couldn't frighten her. Not even Mellissa's tail was at any what concern with Otaku.

"You're no fun," Mellissa frowned. Misty let go of me and walked towards Otaku, Misty's blue hair flourishing as she took each step.

"What are you and what do you know about us? No human can see Mellissa nor me unless we allow them too," Misty asked in a tone I never heard her use before, she sounded upset but trying to be in authority at the same time.

Otaku ran towards her computer, paper's scattered on the floor flew in the air as she treaded on them and her computer suddenly lit up before she reached her desk chair. Otaku started to type on her computer, she took a sip of her drink and then she replied to Misty's question.

"What I know about you." Otaku began, "I know that you're a Cloaking type Angel, descended from the great and power Angel River the Angel of healing." Otaku showed an image of what looked like Misty but with a few different features on her screen. It was a layout of information and text, each fragment of information, which was written in a foreign language. Misty was able to read the text because if not the fear in her eyes wouldn't have been shearing through the light.

"Your friend of there." Otaku started again after Misty got a good read of the computer, "The demon, or to specific the Demon-Kin..."

"Hey I'm twenty four years old, I am no 'kin' I am a demon Mistress" Mellissa interrupted "You smug little..

"Anyway, continue Otaku," I interrupted Mellissa, and Mellissa proceeded to give me the middle finger.

"As I was saying," Otaku continued not amused at all from Mellissa, "Your friend is a Demon-Kin Type or protector as your kind like to call it, and she is the descendent of Fable the Demon Lord of Fairy Tales and Legends in the third Kingdom of the Underworld." Otaku then showed another image on the screen with the same text as before, but this time it was an image of a creature the closely resembled Mellissa.

"Damn she's hot," Mellissa whispered as she read the computer screen.

"Now do you know what I am Angel?" Otaku said taking another bite from her burger.

"You- you're a," Misty could barely say anything she seemed to be trembling, "You're a Mancer,"

"What the fuck is a Mancer?" Mellissa yelled in her frustration.

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