Chapter 19 : The Fifth - Day London

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I started to run, I didn't know from what. I felt like I was going to die if I didn't run faster, I didn't know why. I just kept running... I needed to run. I came to a cross-section at the road, no cars. I came across an amusement park... no people. Everything was deserted, and the deepest pit of my stomach knew it was because of what was chasing me. I ran towards a church, was it a church? It looked more like a nightclub as I went closer, there was a crucifix hanging from the stage where the DJ should of been. There was some one hanging from the cross... I saw who it was. It was Misty, Bleeding from her hands, split from the throat, she could barely move. She opened her mouth,

"This is your fault."

I woke up, sweating. My body ached as though someone had impaled my body with a million spears. My eyes started to blur, as they always do when my glasses are not with me.

"You're awake," I couldn't tell who said it, my body was burning up, I felt sick and disturbed, "Here take these." They handed me something, the one I was talking to, the blur seemed to make out a pair of glasses. The glasses felt different, something was wrong with them. As I placed them and set them on my eyes, I saw what was wrong, they were cracked, split on the right lens; it doubled my vision, making me feel more disoriented than I already was. At least I could see who was talking to me. It was Otaku sitting at my feet,

"Sup" I whispered, as my shoulder started to burst with an explosion of pain, "Where is everyone else? In fact where are we?" I looked around trying not to strain too much, what I saw was as beautiful as magnificent as one could imagine. The first thing I noticed was the ticking, once every second as though a heartbeat seemed to be around me. I slowly sat up and saw the outside through a giant clock face. I saw each digit in roman numerals. The glass, looked elderly but at the same time seemed fresh and sparkling. I turned around and saw a bundle of steps, and it came to a stop as here were four bells underneath us surrounding one larger bell. The stairs kept going continuing rotating, it seemed as though the steps kept spiralling forever. Each wall seemed as delicate as the clock face, each wall grey with a tint of green, to match its delicacy. I saw gears somewhere, but the feeling of pain, distracted me of where they might've been... They seemed to look as though they were a part of a train though.

"We're in Big Ben, London."Not to be confused with Big Ben, Egypt. Otaku replied... I couldn't believe, I never actually left Australia before until now... And now we are in one of the biggest tourist attractions in London! My thoughts drifted off and then changed into something I didn't want to think about, but the thought dreaded my mind ... I can't believe we left Ben there.

"Well we're in the Big Ben now!" Mellissa yelled from below us, "It's like he never left, we're..."

I cut Mellissa off, "We're inside of him now. I get it!" I yelled, "Fuck it hurts," I screamed.

"Be careful, you started to bleed out, you have a bit of a fever and you may have an infection."

I looked at my body, covered in bandages. My shoulder was covered the most, but it looked as though it was still bleeding, it felt painful and made me want to get out of here. Most of all I wanted me to see Misty.

"Why didn't you take me to a hospital?" I asked.

"Because I said so," Lavender replied, emerging from the top of one of the highest gears and jumping down, right next to me, "If we went to the hospital, you would get arrested, you're an illegal refugee in London, you have no passport, no anything. And that's only human related matters London has been corrupted with Hade's since the time of Jack the Ripper. If one was to find out about you, they may, well, most definitely kill you. We can't take the risk of talking to anyone or even letting you be seen by anyone. There are multiple types of Hade's that can see the presence of a new protector."

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