Chapter 30: The Seventh Day - Sisters Reunited

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It took another ten minutes to make it to the Angel Misty called Father. The reason was that Lavender was happy for the first time she's been in years, that's what she said anyway. The second Anna was dead for good Lavender's sister appeared. Her name was Lucy I weaker demon then Lavender who had been captured years ago by Underworld smugglers. One of the smugglers I've already met her name was Anna Shae. The other's name was secret but Lucy said he was definitely a man.

Now as we finally reached our destination beyond bush and trees. With the body of my best friend Ben Riley on my shoulder, the silence of the river as fresh as the sky made me leak out a tear. How can something so beautiful be in front of me after all that's happened? So many have died. I watch a barely clothed Lucy being covered by Lavenders coat being walked steadily towards the river bank, I could tell that Lucy was as tired as ever. Lavender spread out her wings and left after saying something about getting as much firewood to keep her sister as warm as possible. I place the corpse of my friend down on the ground another tear came down as I collapsed down, the physical pain was gone for the day and the only thing I felt was heartache. I have let so many die, and I couldn't do anything.

Otaku stared off into the river, she looked as though she had the same thoughts as I did. The only difference is that she's experienced this before, she knows how to be strong. Mellissa covered in her bloody rags that use to look like pyjamas started to take off her clothes.

"What are you doing?" Misty said starting to freak out, I guess she didn't want to see another naked woman. Mellissa continued to rip off her cloak as if it was nothing dissolving it. She ripped off her long sleeved shirt and underneath a white tank top.

"What a relief," Mellissa said ripping off her pants revealing the brown shorts underneath, "What are you on about? Can't I strip in peace?"

Even with all that's happened Mellissa's sense of humour still amazes me. Mellissa replaced her shoes with sneakers. She looked as though she was about to run a marathon. Misty walked towards me and placed her hand on my shoulder, I grabbed onto her hand tight with my right hand, which was still bleeding from the hole in it. I couldn't afford to let Misty go, it may be selfish but I need her to survive. I wouldn't dare to let her die.

"Jamie..." Misty began to whisper, "What do you want to do?"

I sat silent and looked at Ben's washed out eyes, the blue, the life was gone.

"I want to make things right, I want a funeral, for all of them, for everyone." I took a deep breath, "Then I want to see River."

"Okay," Misty whispered, "River should be here by nightfall, we can start then" Misty smiled.

"We should start together then." Otaku smiled a smile of relief.

With that I got up off the dirt and wiped the sand off my pants.

"Let's go find some wood." I said.

"What for?" Misty asked she seemed excited.

"We're going to build a memorial."

It was eleven thirty in the morning when we started, everyone started to gather wood and supplies. After collecting a few rocks from the river I realised I wouldn't be able to continue. The hole in my hand needed to be cleaned out. So I was out for at least thirty minutes while Misty found some cloth to bandage my hand. Slowly with each strap I felt a sting of pain.

"Mother fu..." I yelled as I refrained from swearing.

"Why do we have to do all the work? While you sit there like pathetic little princess..." Mellissa yelled agitated, dropping three planks of wood some nails and a large hammer at her feet.

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