Chapter 27: The Seventh Day - Alex the Giant

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"I killed you." I whispered, "I killed you! You should be dead!" I screamed at her grabbing the pistol and aiming it at her head.

"Should be, yes. Am I? No," She laughed at her own demise. "See, if you haven't figured it out yet, I can't die, well not by you anyway, so in the meantime let's play a little game."

"Fuck you and your piece of shit games." I aimed at her head but Alex's reflexes were too fast, he anticipated the shot and moved his head into the path of the bullet and started started to cry.

"Mummy, the mean ol' Jamie hurt me!" Alex cried with a smile.

"Don't worry sweetie" She comforted Alex with the palm of her hand against his face, "Everything is going to be alright. In the meantime go have some fun, mummy's got some work to do."

"Yesssssss motherrrr." Alex hissed and ran off as Anna jumped off his shoulder and landed softly on the road below.

"Now Jamie, let's talk this through like adults, if you don't want to play." Anna encouraged, walking closer towards me. I fired a shot at her. With that shot a wall from my house broke apart covering the road with dust and pieces of my kitchen. I looked at the wreckage, the thing that replaced my mother was still alive bleeding from her forehead missing two of her legs, one broken and one removed. She held onto another piece of my life with her grotesque arms. Ben...

I pointed the gun at her trying to get Ben away but before I pulled the trigger she pulled Ben towards the range of fire holding him around his lifeless neck with both hands slowly piercing into his throat as he cried for mercy.

"JAMIE." He screamed with agony.

"Let him go," I yelled turning to Anna. She walked closer to me.

"He's my insurance," she laughed "If you want me dead, even if you think you can find a way to kill me, I would order him dead first so don't you dare try anything funny." She walked even closer towards me and with her two front arms she held me as though she was hugging me, or as if she was going for a kiss.

She looked me dead in the eyes and whispered, "Isn't this what you wanted from the start?"

"Yes..." I whispered back to her, "But sometimes Anna, you just have to let people go." I laughed at my own little pun as I witnessed Otaku jump from my roof and shoot the abomination that used to be mother in the back of the head.

"WHAT!" Anna screamed a piercing scream that ripped her own flesh apart in anger.

"This is when I shoot you." I pierced her chest with my lavender coloured portal hand and shot the gun inside of her body up through her neck and into her brain.

"Thanks Esmeralda." I panted as she carried Ben towards me. Ben was barely conscious, his neck needed immediate attention.

"We can't talk" Otaku stated tending to Ben's neck with a piece of her jacket she tore off, "If what that Hade piece of shit said was true then it can't die and we need to get away from it as fast as possible."

"Where's Misty?" I was worried about her, I already saved Ben, and I just need to save her.

Otaku Reluctantly pointed towards the hellish Nightmare that used to be Alex. Misty was trying eagerly to move him away from the populated area, Mellissa on the other hand had the better idea and was hanging by the monster's head repeatedly stabbing him with the Demon Tail Sword. All of Alex's wounds healed but not nearly as fast as Anna's. How many times would she need to stab in the same area until it cut all the way through?

I started to run towards them, Otaku soon followed with ben over her left shoulder. She threw me another pistol, this time I caught it. This pistol unlike the others was definitely custom made, and definitely a revolver the engravings on the barrel.

Circle of Life:

· Mancer

· Hade

· Angel

As we reached Alex on Warner Loop, the last step he took landed on a middle aged woman at least the age of fifty five. She was dead in a matter of seconds. He lifted his foot from the blood stained road.The air smelt of blood and flesh. Civilians ran as they witnessed a group of teenager's with guns taking aim on a two-faced monster, skittering like an insect. His face covered in a hideous smile was just enough for me to pull the trigger, I shot twice, one shot grazed his left check, the other missed completely. Alex the giant was in the air, crushing down on the main road in a crawling position. Later I heard on the news that his one landing on the main road caused thirty six injuries and four deaths. As he kept his distance he thrashed around the cars as though they were toys. He ripped a car door open, a man at least the age of twenty four tried struggling out of his grasp. He was too late. Mellissa tried slicing Alex's arm off but the blade was too late, it only tore the flesh without breaking the bone that was inside. With Alex's bony hand he picked at his meal and devoured. I continued to run after him and shoot. I got him in his right eye.

Stunned he dropped the remains of what use to be the father of four. His children screamed as I jumped from Alex's leg and uppercut his jaw with my right hand causing the blood from the hole in my hand to be splatted everywhere. Still stunned, I took my opportunity and shot him repeatedly in the jaw line. Too bad Otaku and Misty were incapable of fighting, Misty being human so she couldn't even run as fast as she used to, I saw her panting and even coughing. Otaku was busy trying to get Ben's strength up. Mellissa was my only help, and with the constant stabbing to the giant's neck his spine was visible. His bony arm reached over towards Mellissa trying to grab to pull her off. But I was too quick, I jumped in the way, his bony fingers gripping me by my left arm. I felt him tense. –Side note I have no experience in the medical field but I'm pretty sure bones can't tense-.

wise words

The cold, hard texture of Alex's arm was enough to scream, I tried creating portals but something went wrong. He pulled harder now, grabbing my right arm with his fleshy rotten hand. The stench was unbearable.

"Where the fuck is Lavender?" the words wrenched their way up my throat, I felt like my arms couldn't hold any longer.

"She's on important business with the Angel Lord, is my guess," Mellissa replied still stabbing at different areas of the giants back.

"You guess?" Misty yelled, she was holding a rifle larger than my arm.

"What on earth is that?" I yelled, as the bullet shot straight through the giant's bony arm breaking it enough for me to tear my way through, snapping it along the way. He started to heal once more.

"If he's going to keep healing like that," I yelled snatching Mellissa's sword out of her arms, "This is the only way we can stop him!" I inserted the sword in between the slits of his spine, instantly lodging it and making Alex collapse. I officially knocked down the Big Friendly Giant.

"Quick," I yelled in pain, "Get anything to lodge in there." Soon Misty, Mellissa and Otaku all started grabbing the closest thing flat enough to actually get stuck in there. Alex's body began to heal and I held open his spine long enough before it could make the recovery. Misty found a pocket knife and that was inserted ever so carefully to ensure it stayed put, the metal plate was found by Mellissa, it was flat enough to stay there and Otaku grabbed a sword of her own to make sure it stayed. Mellissa's Demon Tail Sword was free.

At the same time Ben woke up.

So did Anna.

So did the herd.

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