Chapter 14 : The Fourth Day - Death Zone

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Otaku, Misty, Mellissa and I ran, we ran as fast as we could, we needed a safe spot. Every student we saw had gone berserk, people I've known for years. All of them I saw started chasing trying to gain on us. I turned around to see if Anna was following us, luckily she wasn't but Ben, Ben was standing by the library where our Study Hall class was, he just stood there, in disappointment.

I ran past Hayley, she started to chase after us, she started to scream at us, everyone else around three hundred students started screaming at the same time, each one with a high-pitch scream that made my ears pop. Hayley began to deform almost how Anna did but instead her fingernails morphed into claws, her skin turned to grey, her hands split from the palm separating bones to fit in more fingers but not quite making it. We ran some more before we could see her full transformation, we tried the front gate of the school but it was locked as it always during school hours.

"Kid's! Kid's what are you doing trying to skip out on school?" Yelled Mr Faerieman, "Don't you know that all should do is just play the game?" By that, Mr Faerieman started to shake, blood spewing out of his body as a hand came out of his stomach and began to tear him open from the inside, soon came another hand from inside his stomach and from the inside out he was ripped apart as though something else was living in him and wanted to get out. And there was, it looked like a monkey with Mr Faireman's face but grey, indulged in blood and had razors for hands.

"We need to protect ourselves from these creatures," Otaku whispered in suspense, "The only thing that has something close to a weapon is the metal and woodwork room which I was in not so long ago. It's our best bet."

"I agree with E.T over here." Mellissa joked.

We made our way to the room 65 where woodwork and metalwork was located. We barged in there, locked the doors; it was a fairly large room, filled with tools, such as grinders and hammers. It didn't feel right fighting against my classmates, but most of them are already or at least dead inside.

"What the fuck is going on?" I heard Leo yell from the floor, "I just saw fucking Craig turn into a monster!" 

"Wait Leo is not affected by the lust demon?" I turned to Otaku; she just shrugged and put her hands up like she had no clue either.

"Answer me god damn it!" Leo shouted,

"Calm your dick," I heard Chris say from another room, "Obviously they don't know either."

"I have no idea what's going on." I yelled at Leo.

"I do," Otaku, whispered, "Anna had been killing and murdering people at Brookbury, turning their physical bodies into demons."

"Anna? The cute Anna?" Leo shouted,

"Precisely, but she can only turn people who are connected to lust into these things, also she can control other students who are connected to lust without turning them, all they have to do is lust the opposite sex. Which brings me to the question, why aren't you being manipulated."

"That's a good question why aren't you be controlled?" I asked my suspicions grew.

"I'd rather not answer why I think it might not be affecting me." Leo shouted.

"Don't you dare assume anything, Leo isn't a monster," Chris yelled coming into the room, "The reason I believe Leo isn't being controlled is because...,"

"Don't you dare tell them Chris I'm warning you!" Leo shouted.

"He is..." Chris said getting interrupted by Leo's hand covering his face.

"Gross you licked my hand," Leo said moving it away.

"He use to be a woman, he's transgender,"

I was stunned, I would've never have guessed that Leo used to be a woman, it wasn't in his character at all..

"Chris!" Leo yelled.

"Oh, yes the influx of hormones must be neglecting the power to control you from a lust aspect" Otaku suggested an answer, which didn't seem too farfetched

Everyone went silent for a few moments.

"Wait, why are you not affected Chris?" Otaku asked.

"Oh I'm gay." Chris said, "Or do I have to prove I'm human by kissing Leo's cute face?"

"You think I'm cute?" Leo asked,


A crash at the front door of the Woodwork room interrupted Chris, it sounded as though someone tried to get in. Good thing we locked it I though. Another crash and then the door started to give away. I grabbed a drill, some nails and some wood.

"We're boarding this place up until we find another way out," I shouted in my presentation voice I use for any type of presentations I do for school. It made everyone Listen, Chris started to board up windows with Leo and Otaku and I continued on the door. Each slab of wood should at least hold long enough until we think of an escape plan, I remembered the air vents but that wouldn't help unless we used them to get into the Gym but that would be almost impossible.

"We're done!" Chris shouted, "How bout you guys?"

"We're good," I shouted back, as if on cue a fist punched through the crack in between the door, "Scratch what I just said, we need to get out and fast,"

"What's the hurry, this is fun?" I heard Wendy say from the outside of the door, her eye showed through the hole she made,

"Come on, just come to play," Otaku didn't take anymore of her taunts she grabbed a stake of wood and lodged it into Wendy's eye, which turned out to be her right eye,

"Holy shit, you're fucking insane!" Leo screamed.

"That whore won't shut up, what was I meant to do?," Otaku yelled,

We heard tapping

"That's not how you play this game!" Wendy said looking outside the window smiling, "This is how you play this game, boys and girls it's time for dinner!" Wendy called and every bit of wood we just boarded started to break as multiple hands started to strike the building, trying to claw at us, trying to grab us, trying to kill us.

"Everyone Grab something to defend yourself with, it doesn't matter if you kill someone, these fucks are already dead." Mellissa yelled in excitement, revealing her claws, making her tail into a sword and removing it, as now it was her new artillery.

"Holy shit what the fuck is that?' Chris and Leo whimpered together and that's the first time Mellissa came out of hiding and showed her face to the non-supernatural people of the world. Misty did the same,

"There is no point of hiding, she knows I'm here, it's time for a fair fight." Misty grabbed a wrench, "I will protect Jamie,"

"And I will protect you Misty!"

Jamie Dale - The Eleven KingdomsWhere stories live. Discover now