Chapter 18 : The Fourth Day Lavender Grey

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"Lavender Grey? You mean you're Portal's princess? That means, this shrine, is a gateway to another plain." Misty said surprised.

"Yes a gateway," Lavender replied subtlety.

"And you knew?" Misty turned to Mellissa, "And you never told us?"

Mellissa was silent, as though her respect for this woman was too high for her to talk, all she did was push to try and get the lid off the well also known as the shrine.

"Come on push guys we need to get this thing open, the Hade's are breaking through the protector Lavender's wall of haven." Otaku yelled.

I agreed with Otaku and started to push the lid of this old well with this heavy lid that seemed to be the weight of fifty men. After I decided to help so did Misty, and followed by her was Lavender.

"Lavender is the heir to the second kingdom," Mellissa opened her mouth, "She has the same ability as her father who can build gateways to different areas or dimensions of life. Her older sister converted to the Hade's when they started to connect themselves the heavenly kingdom through earth. She was born on the first of February eighteen seventy five as human, and awakened by Portal twelfth of March of the same year."

I did another push on the well's covering and glanced at Lavender for a moment.

"So she's..." I whispered, but paused, "Important."

"Yes Jamie, she's one of the most important people here." Mellissa added, "Lavender Grey and you Jamie, you have the same abilities, as she can manipulate gateways so should you."

"Should?" I groaned as I did another heavy push straining my arms and my legs.

"If the four Demon lords, work was correct you should be able to find a way to develop gateways, but if their work failed..."

Mellissa seemed as though she didn't want to complete the sentence, and it made me feel uneasy.

"All hope is lost." Lavender whispered, only adding more uneasiness and pressure on me. It was hard enough that I was told that I am creature of what demons made, and it was already hard enough already, there was a horde of Hade's right behind us but the pressure of failure. But if I were a failure, than the burden of what I am would cost the world.

We got it halfway open big enough for someone to fit in there at least. The well's inside was now visible and I could see the lavender coloured Gateway inside. It flickered purple sparks that singed my hair.

"I can't go in there," Misty told Lavender, "That kind of gateway will not allow an Angel to cross through, I would die if I did."

"It wasn't the intention to kill you, it was in case any Hade's tried following us." Lavender replied, "Sorry but this is where we part ways."

"Part ways?" I yelled, "We can't just leave her here to those things."

"I don't think leaving someone behind is an option, Jamie's willing to take," Otaku said, "And it's to my intention that you need him,"

"Sorry but that is the way it must be," Lavender said as cold as ice, "Unless you know another way?"

"Yes there is!" Misty cried, "My Guardian Angel, my father River, once told me that royal demon blood lines can remove the properties of an Angel, for a limited time or forever depending on how crude one encounters."

"What are you getting at?" Mellissa sighed.

"I'm saying that," Misty went on one knee kneeling before Lavender, "Lavender Grey Daughter of the Portal, Heir to the Second Kingdom Of The Underworld, I request permission for you to temporarily turn me into a human."

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