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•Jay POV•

"Knock knock" I heard the same annoying voice of everyday outside my door. I groaned & finally spoke up

"...yes! come in Amanda" I said annoyingly while moving the equipment around in my office. She open the door, stepping in, & closing it behind her

"Hey boss man" she said in purring tone "I was just wondering since it's the end of the day...we don't have anymore patients, maybe we could go out to dinner. I mean it is Friday" she said as she batted her eyelashes at me like it was cute...

"Oh Amanda, I appreciate the offer but I'm pretty busy this weekend" which wasn't true at all, I was pretty bored after work if I'm not with my niggas. But in all honesty I just wasn't interested in Amanda. I mean she was a nice girl in all but definitely not what I'm looking for.

I mean...what am I even looking for ?

I watched her as she bounced up & down on the exercise ball in my office. she was smiling up at me obviously waiting on me to answer.

"...Amanda, you do know I'm old enough to be your father right?"

"Mhmm" she said nodding her head "but I rather you use the word daddy" She said looking at me while biting her lip.

"Umm.." I cleared my throat "alright Amanda I really have to go, I need to go see my mother. she needs a lot of help with her house this weekend so I really should be on my way" again that wasn't true. I was going straight home. if I went to my mothers she would also be questioning me about why I don't have a woman & she has been for the longest.

People just don't understand I have standards, I have yet to meet a woman that has what I'm looking for...I don't think I ever will so I'll stick to being single.

After fighting off an eager Amanda & making it to my all new 2018 black Porsche, I drove home. Walking in smelling the normal sent of Tom Ford Cologne and Cubans.

I live alone

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I live alone. I don't have any kids so it's pretty quiet around here, unless I'm keeping my sisters daughter, Peyton. I liked living alone. But kids are a blessing so I'm hoping to have my own someday with the right woman. if I can find her.

I called up my nigga ty ty & he wanted to go out. I haven't been out in minute and it's Friday so I figured what's the harm. I took a quick shower & repeated my hygiene routine. I finally looked in the mirror to make sure I looked okay & grabbed my keys to head to ty ty house then to the 40/40 club.

 I finally looked in the mirror to make sure I looked okay & grabbed my keys to head to ty ty house then to the 40/40 club

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