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•jay POV•

"Sir please go sit down, you have to stop"

"please, please just let me see her" I tried to push through all the doctors that were holding me back.

"Come on jay, baby we gotta let them work" momma Tina said as she pulled my arm back.

"My baby, my fucking baby I need to see her" I tried to pull away as I saw them push bey through the double doors

I watched them as they rushed her to the back to emergency care while tears came down my eyes.

"Come on son" I felt my mom grab my hand taking me to where everyone else was.

It was my mom, momma Tina, Solange, Nicki, Kelly, Tim, meek, Allen, Richard, tyty, E, andrea, Braxton and Peyton.

I went over to try to calm down Braxton and Peyton who were now crying their eyes out as I held them tight.

"uncle jay jay I don't want auntie BB to die" she said as she looked up at me wiping her tears

"Shhh I know baby, god won't let her, I promise" I kissed her head and tried to rub Braxton's back but he had his head down looking at the floor

"Dad...I love you so much, please don't let them take my momma man, she's my world I swear. I can't live without that woman" he looked up at me and his eyes were blood shot red.

I kissed his head and moved close "I promise son, I love you too. Everything is going to be okay" I said trying to make my self believe it too.

As I looked around the room, everyone was crying. Well except Solange she was crying and hollering at the same time. I've seen her mad but not like this, it got to the point where she started throwing stuff and momma Tina had to calm her down.

"IMA FUCKING KILL HER! IMA FUCKING KILL THAT BITCH, MA!" She cried as Tina went up to pull her in her arms

Nicki and Kelly were in each other's arms crying. I felt like this whole thing was my fault and I couldn't do shit about it but pray that I don't lose the love of my life...

*2 hours later*

I had been outside for an hour or so now Just thinking about what life would be like if I didn't have my wife and babygirl.

I even prayed about it, I soon lost my train of thought when I saw the door doors bust open with Nicki running out of them "JAY! We can go see her!" She said

I hopped up quick as hell "what room??" I said while walking back into the hospital "348, momma T and Braxton already saw her, she's not awake but..." she said with a frown.

I quickly thanked her and ran to find the skinny ass legs never moved so fast.

I finally found it and opened up the door quickly but quietly.

I walked in seeing her stomach covered and a tube in her mouth, I guess it was to help her breath because she blacked out.

I sat down just starring at her bare face, she was still beautiful even hooked up to all these machines. I grabbed her hand before speaking.

"Damn...I don't know If you can hear me or not baby but I'm so sorry for this. And if you make it out of here like I know you will, I will NEVER do anything to put you in harms way or endanger you. I'd let them kill me before they even lay a finger on you baby" I stroked her soft blonde hair

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