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•bey POV•

I was currently getting ready to go home after a long day before nicki busted in my office, like usual.

"Hey bitchhhh" she said with a big smile.

I looked her up and down with a confused face and my eyebrow raised.

I looked her up and down with a confused face and my eyebrow raised

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"What do you want onika" I said in a annoyed tone.

"I need some alcohol....and some dick and bitch if I'm correct, you can't give me the second thing so let's go get drinks!" I chuckled shaking my head at her.

"Nicki why are you always trying to get me drunk on a Friday, I wanna go home to my mannn" I whined

"Oh so now you turning me down for a toothpick with a dick? You know what build-a-bear, you fake" she said throwing a paper clip at me.

I laughed "shut up bitch, we can go out to eat but I'm not drinking. I told you I've been throwing up a lot since like 2 weeks ago. I just haven't had time to go the doctor but it's probably nothing" I shook it off.

"Oh maybe shawny boy has been giving bey alittle to much vitamin D and that ass slipped up" she said giving me an edgy look.

"No no no, I know that's not it"
"Righttt...because you just know everything huh? Dumbo" she said sarcastically.

"Shut up and come on. I need to tell jay that I'm going to be home later"
I did just that and he said that was fine so me and nicki made our way to the restaurant.

We were sitting down just after ordering our food. "Ooouu bey, damn look at him" nicki pointed.

"Damn, He is fine. Hey daddddyyyy" she said lowly while sticking out her tongue.

"Nic stop, you're in a relationship" I chuckled.

"Bitch, relationships are like cake. You can always go back and have seconds on the side" she shrugged.

"Not me, I'll pass" I assured her. "Damn really love him don't you" she gave me a small smile.

I blushed looking down "really do nic...I really do" i said nodding my head.

The rest of the date we talk & joked before meek called her and that ass flew home.

I made my way home putting my stuff down. I remembered to get an ankle brace from the store for Braxton because this past week. he's really been complaining about how it was hurting & he couldn't do anything.

I called out for him & when he didn't answer I called out for jay but they both weren't responding. I was confused till I heard laughing coming from the back of the house.

I made my way outside to the patio to see Braxton & jay playing ball together .

I made my way outside to the patio to see Braxton & jay playing ball together

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