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•jay POV•

I walked into the building with Braxton looking for an old friend of mine that would help with exactly what we were looking for

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I walked into the building with Braxton looking for an old friend of mine that would help with exactly what we were looking for.

"TT" I said happily as she turned around to me.

"Jay!!! How are you" she hugged me "I'm good, I'm good" I stepped in while kissing her her cheek.

"What are you doing here" she gave me a puzzled look before I raised my eyebrow with a smirk.

"Oh? Ohhhhhhh!" She smiled at me before getting excited "follow me" is all she said before she led us to the back.

"And who is this handsome young man" she spoke "this is my son, Braxton" I said

"Oh jay so you and..." "Beyoncé!" I told her, her name "so you and Beyoncé already had a kid?" She asked.

"Yes! Well no, she had Braxton before we met but we're expecting" I spoke

"Yea but he's my dad!" Braxton said quickly and I chuckled while looking at him.

"Awee jay I'm so proud of you bro" she smiled. Before we knew it we got down to business and we're out of there in no time.

"I'm really glad you're doing this" Braxton said as we walked out the restaurant with our to-go orders.

I smiled at him "you know I love you right B?" I said as we stepped in the car.

"I love you too dad, I always will"

I smiled before driving home. Music blasted through the car as we had our own mini concert, rapping different parts to songs and laughing together like any other normal car right we had.

We stepped out the car but before we could make it to the door it was being opened by a complaining Bey.

"Babyyyyyyy my feet hurtttt" she was pouting like she was about to cry.

Ever since me and bey got to back together a week ago she had done nothing but be up under me and had been acting like a big baby. I loved it but sometimes I just wanted to throw her yellow ass.

"Baby why aren't you sitting down if your feet hurt" I walked through the door after pecking her lips.

"Becauseeeeeeee" she came over to me throwing her head on my chest While I took the food out

I chuckled "because what?" I asked.

"Becauseeeee" she started stomping her feet up & down like a two year old & stuffing her head in my neck

"Aye you better calm down with all that pouting shit Giselle, you hear me?" I said as she looked up at me.

"Hmppp" she crossed her arms "yes daddy, I hear you" she said in a innocent tone.

I smiled and shook my head "Good, now come on" I grabbed our food and she followed me upstairs. After checking on Braxton I took her in our bedroom and walked in the bathroom.

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