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•Bey POV•

I woke up to someone pecking my lips, I blinked my eyes and slightly opening them to see jay with a breakfast tray in his hand.

I woke up to someone pecking my lips, I blinked my eyes and slightly opening them to see jay with a breakfast tray in his hand

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"Mmm baby what is this" I said looking down at the food after pecking his lips.

"Just a lil sum sum for my baby. I wanted to cook for you. You been sleeping all morning" he said handing me the tray.

I popped up "shit! What time is it?"

"Baby calm down its 1:30 p.m" I was shook because I've never slept no later than 11.

"But how...why did I....I've never even slept that long" I said confusingly.

"Oh baby, that's what good dick do to you" jay chuckled.

"Yea yea whatever" I blushed "Go wake Braxton & Pey up. I can't believe you left me sleep this late baby. I told you we were going bowling with nic and kells today at 3" he said stressfully.

"Calm down bae they already ready. We bout to get something to eat real quick while you get dress, stop playing with me like I ain't go this" he said.

I looked at him with a smile spreading across my face. I was on my knees, up on the bed in front of him.

I grabbed the sides of his face with my hands " much" I pecked his lips after every word then giving him a long passionate kiss.

"And thank you for last night baby. I really enjoyed it" I licked & sucked on his neck.

"Mm shit girl" he slapped my ass "don't get nothing started. Get dressed" he said leaving out the door.

I soon finished my food then just put on my clothes since me and jay took a shower last night.

I soon finished my food then just put on my clothes since me and jay took a shower last night

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A/N: this is one of my favorite looks. Sis ate this up.😍

After getting ready I saw the door open with Peyton running in.

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