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2 weeks later
•bey POV•

"Oouuu baby what about this one" I said picking up a pair of lace panties.

"Bae I told you I don't wanna see any type of underwear on you unless I'm getting ready to take it off" jay chuckled.

I smacked my lips looking at him "mmmm what if I try it on for you daddy" I said walking up to him.

"Do you really want our first time fucking to be in a dressing room? Cause that's what's gonna happen if you try that shit on" we both laughed.

It was about 12 p.m and we were at the mall, we decided to spend our Saturday like this and also taking Braxton and his 3 other friends to carowinds since Braxton's ankle was getting better we decided to make plans where he could do something.

"Aye bae ima call Braxton and tell him we're on the way" he said. I nodded my head not really paying attention while looking at the designer dresses.

Jay came back 10 minutes later saying Braxton and the boys were ready so I paid for my stuff and we headed home. I walked into my house to see B, trey, Austin and Cole playing the game.

"Hi you guys" I said walking in "hey ms.bey" they said in unison.

"How have y'all been" a gave them all a hug. They were the only three I really trusted around Braxton. "Good"

I talked to them till jay finally came back in the house "alright baby all the stuff is packed" he said rubbing his hands together.

"Oh shoot" Braxton said looking up " I forgot to tell y'all, um trey, A and Cole this my pops jay" he said.

My heart was in awe when he introduced jay as his "pops".

"Hey how y'all doing" jay said dapping them up then hugging Braxton. After they talked We all eventually got in the car.

The car ride was filled with mostly the boys talking. Me and jay just sat in comfortably silence with our hands interlocked as I drove. I looked over at him studying his face.

I loved everything about him. his personality, His laugh, his nastiness, the way he took care of me and Braxton. I just loved him so much.

"Why you staring at me for ma?" He asked chuckling looking at me then back at road.

"what I can't stare at my man?" I asked while briefly swiping my hand over his pants where his dick was sitting.

"Watch It Giselle" I just giggled and pecked his check. As we pulled up to the amusement park.

we all got out, I let the boys have their passes so they could go ahead while me and jay go on our own.

"What do you wanna do first baby" he asked grabbing my hand as we walked to the gates of the park.

"Ummmm I think I wanna go on the roller coasters then the water slides" I said getting excited.

He chuckled "alright alright let's get on this one" he pointed to this big ass roller coaster with a lot of hoops going upside down.

Ahhhhh shit.

2 hours later.

"Baby that was scary, why did you make me ride thattttt" I whined hitting his shoulder.

He chuckled before pulling me by my waist "girl you better stop before my dick be the only thing you riding" he whispered.

I bit my lip and smiled "mm you promise daddy?" He laughed and patted my ass.

"Baby you hungry" he asked me "yea I could eat, should I call the boys"

He nodded and I did just that, after a while they made it back to the eating station and we ate lunch.

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