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•bey POV•

I woke up in someone's lap not remembering what happened before I blacked out, I lifted my head up and realized I was in a hospital waiting room. Looking up all I saw was jay starring at me...then it all came back to me.

"Jay where the fuck is my son" I said getting up basically about to run off to find him, but before I could jay pulled me back "bey you have to calm down. the doctor said he would call us but we couldn't see Braxton until further notice" he told in a calming tone.

I looked at this nigga like he was deaf dumb "boy I don't give two fucks about what that doctor had to say about my son. I need to see him" i said trying to move.

"...I need to see him. I need see my baby jay..please" I cried as he wrapped his arms around me letting me cry in his shirt.

"It's going to be okay bey, I promise whatever the circumstance is he's going to over come it" I didn't care about any of that I just wanted to make sure my son was alright.

It was about 3 o'clock on a Saturday so I was very surprised to see the hospital waiting rooms practically empty. I paced around the room while calling my mother to tell her the news.

"Hey my baby" "um hey momma" I said uneasily she of course could tell something was wrong. "What's wrong pregnant again child?" I could practically see her smiling.

"What? NO ma im not pregnant" I looked up at jay as he looked back at me confused as hell. "Then what is it baby. I'm cooking right now so y'all and Richard can come over & eat and then he can eat me" I stopped pacing.

"Girl I didn't know Richard liked eating dried up ass pears. let me find out he eating yo momma bey" I heard solo yelling in the back. I wasn't in the laughing mood but that shit was funny.

"Solange, make me whoop yo ass"
"Tina, make me think your corny joke times are funny" I was full on laughing at this point with my head down till I looked at jay and realized where we were.

"Momma! I wanted to tell you that I was at Braxton's game watching him and when he's was about to score then he came down on his ankle and now I'm currently at the hospital" I said all in one breath.

She gasped "you're not serious. oh my god!! my grand baby. Okay what hospital are you at?"she panicked "Bellevue" I said trying not to cry again.

"Alright baby your fine, just stay calm until I get there. Who is there with you?" She asked. I stared off at jay as he held his head back. "Umm just a friend" i knew that if I told her it was a male she would get off topic & start asking questions & I don't have time for that shit right now.

"Alright see you soon baby" after I said my goodbyes I texted nicki & kelly to tell them what happened. nicki immediately let me know she was on the way. Kelly of course couldn't come but I still needed to let her know.

"Jay?" I said sitting back down beside him. "Hmm?" "Um You can go about your day if you want. I got it from here" he looked at me like I was crazy "now why the hell would I do that Beyoncè?" I shrugged.

"I'm not going anywhere right now because for one I want to be here to comfort you and let you know everything will be okay and two we both rode in the ambulance to get Braxton here so even if I did want to leave I couldn't, but I don't" He said smiling & pulling me into his chest.

"Well what about your niece? You really need to get back to her." Not really meaning what I said. I didn't want him to leave surprisingly, I wanted to stay in his arms.

"Nah my boys took her over to their house to play with some other kids,
she's okay. My only concern right now is you and Braxton" he looked down at me "thank you so much ja-" before I could even finish the doors were being open by my mother, nicki & solo.

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