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•Bey POV•

"Cadence did you just fucking hit me?" I said in shock.

"Didn't I tell you don't fucking talk?" he said taking out his dick.

It was as little as I remember but I still didn't want him rapeing me.

"Cadence Move" I said through sobs.
"Nah talk all that shit you was talking on those text...after I get this good shit your life is over and that's a promise" he said taking my underwear off.

I cried harder knowing he would probably kill me after he got what he wanted.

I tried to over power him but he held me down harder. I shut my eyes taking in what was about to happen.

"Mmm I miss this girl" he said rubbing my pussy.

I silently cried before feeling under my head and the pillow. My hands were already up so I felt what it was

It's was my rat tail comb!

A/N: just in case y'all didn't know what that was 😂😂

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A/N: just in case y'all didn't know what that was 😂😂

I reached up trying to grab it without him noticing. He had his dick ready to push in.

I finally grabbed the comb before he went in and stabbed him in his shoulder.

"AHHHH FUCK!" He yelled as he fell to his chest on the bed.

I got up quick as hell, kicking him in his stomach.

"YOU..PUSSY..ASS..NIGGA, I shoulda never gave yo ass this good go-" I said while crying but soon got cut off

"BEY?" I heard someone yell from downstairs. It was jay.

I ran out the door quick as hell "jay jay baby!" He looked at me confusedly.

"Baby what's wrong ?? Why does it look like you been crying?" He asked.

"Cadence..he's..he was going to...I.." I was so shaken up I couldn't even talk correctly.

Jay went passed me into my room seeing Cadence on the floor holding his arm in pain.

He looked back at me while I was standing in the door way, I was kind of embarrassed.

"Wait...hold the fuck on...did he try to..." I nodded my head slowly.

I looked up at jay and saw nothing, his eyes grew black and his fist were now bald up...he then look at cadence before speaking...

"So sad you're going to die today" he spoke in a sarcastic tone while he shook his head.

He then kick him twice before punching him in his face making his nose and mouth bleed.

"You disgusting ass mothafucker" he said while hitting him back to back.

I didn't stop him till the point where he was laying on top of him going at it and I saw that Cadence was already passed out...

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