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•Bey POV•

"Mhm. And who he have you around?" I asked Braxton while we sat at a restaurant eating dinner.

"Ma! I told you, it was just me, him, tyty, and E. We all went to the mall and dad got me some new clothes then we went back to tyty place where he staying" Braxton said while chewing his food.

"I know baby I just had to make sure I heard you clearly" I said "y'all not together anyways, how come you so worried?" He asked.

It took eventhing in me not to reach over the table and smack his yellow ass.

"Because were not together but that's still my business and my man, and if you or any stank ass hoe got a problem with it, y'all can get cut" I said with a smile while sipping my lemonade.

He just laughed and shook his head "so ma?" I looked up from my food " know how I'm not supposed to be playing ball till next season?" He spoke.

I nodded my head " made arrangements with coach over the phone telling him I was ready and I might can play next week" he said excitedly.

I gave him a soft smile "well that's great baby but do you really think you can handle all that just yet?" I asked.

"Yes ma! Remember when I told you dad took me to the movies and to that basketball game. well he did a small session with me too and we played ball at E house and I was able to handle a whole game" he said with a smile.

I cracked a sad smile. I love the fact that Braxton and jay are still close even though me and jay are still on this 'break'. I'm just alittle jealous because every other day Braxton has went with jay and came back to tell me all this fun stuff they've done and I haven't even said one word to him in three weeks.

Yes! Three weeks, I've tried everything. I've called him, went to his job, and the hotel he was staying at but it's like he knew when I would pop up so he wouldn't be there.

The first week I was a total wreak. My mom,Kelly, Solange, and Nicki all came over to comfort me. Well Solange did to a minimum, that is before she started leaving harsh messages on jay's answer machine.

As far as the baby, he's been buying all my stuff. I haven't had to lift a finger or do anything when it comes down to taking care of it. He gave everything to Braxton. I would even write a list of groceries we needed and Braxton would give it to him and he would go get them.

That was all nice but I wanted him back, back in my arms so I could just kiss and love on him. I haven't talked to Brian, I've been ignoring all his calls since that night. As I sat and thought about the situation more I was really dead wrong for doing what I did and I understand when he said that if it would it was him I would have probably killed him.

...cause I would have.

After dinner i drove home and hurrying in the shower.

I got out the shower & did my hygiene routine before getting in the bed. I finished texting Nicki and watching a episode of orange is the new black.

I was dozing off till I felt a kick in my stomach.
I smiled and sat up, "Awee hey baby, you tryna keep mommy up?" I rubbed my belly while smiling.

The first time the baby kicked was around last week. It was five times, I was so excited. I called jay so maybe he could come over and feel but he never answered and it broke my heart.

I heard B knocked on my door so I told him to come in "hey baby" I smiled while holding my exposed belly.

"Hey ma! Is the baby doing it again?" He asked with his eyes getting wide and a smile.

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