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A week & half later
•bey POV•

"Yea now make sure that if your coming down the stairs you use all the pressure on you left foot And after, make sure that your feet are still going forward when you walk and not out" jay was informing Braxton during their session.

The last past week had been similar to this day. After their sessions they would play the game or watch the game while I cooked dinner.

Jay spent most of his time at my house now. he would get off around 4 so that Braxton could get a 2 hour session then when I came home I would have him all to myself😏

I felt a slap on my ass as I bent down to put the backed spaghetti in the oven.

"Watch your hands mr.carter" I turned around smirking at him.

"Don't be telling me what to do woman" he chuckled. "This all me" He grabbed my ass hard & I did a small moan.

"Don't be moaning like that knowing good and well I'll put you on this counter right now and fuck the sh-"

"I told y'all this bitch was in here finna make another big headed ass baby. Acting like she can't answer the phone with her lays potato chip lookin ass" Nicki said walking into the kitchen.

I saw solange and Kelly walking in behind her.

"How the hell did you bitches get in my house" I said still in jay's grasp.

"VIP bitch" Kelly said holding up the key to my house while nicki and solange went over to the food.

"Uh uh get away from my damn food. y'all better go buy y'all own shit" I said smacking their hands away.

"Beyyyyyyyyy, bitch I'm broke" nicki whined.

"Oh well bitch" "its not my fault you a 'bankrupttt, UGLY AHH. no money on my card' headass" I said laughing.

"Akeke hell bitch now move so I can get some food, I can't just survive off dick" she said grabbing a plate.

It was time to eat so I went ahead and called Braxton in here. All 6 of us eventually sat down together and ate.

"So shawn" nicki started. Me and jay both looked at her waiting for her to continue.

"When you gone ram it in the cat" She asked. I bout choked on my damn food.

"And eat it from the back" Kelly added. My eyes was wide as hell.

"And If you play with my sista imma cut off ya ball sack" solange said adding her own lyrics.

They all bust of out laughing. I was pissed but jay seem to think it was funny too. Braxton was to busy paying attention to his phone.

"So jay...when?" Nicki and Kelly asked.

"Soon enough, y'all friend know wassup" he said while looking in my eyes licking the sauce of his fingers.

"Oh? Lemme find out nowww" nicki said snapping up and down at us.

"Y'all are a mess" I said chuckling grabbing everyone's plates going to the sink.

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