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•bey POV•

I walked over to the couch where my ex's, wife & daughters were sitting, covered in bruises & blood.

I sat down trying to clear my mind of everything that was running through it at this point.

"So-I-um, first off I don't even know you guys names but I-" she cut me off.

"I'm Melissa, and these are my daughters, maya and Morgan" the mother spoke.

"Okay um..nice meet you guys, sorry we had to officially meet under..." I looked them up & down.

...."these I'm Beyoncé if you didn't know and my son and cadence son is named Braxton and this is my boyfriend jay" I spoke.

They nodded "so guys mind telling me why and how you showed up looking like this.." I question.

"Or why you showed up at all.." I heard jay mumbled from behind me.

I nudged him in the stomach and he grabbed my ass and I gave him a death stare.

"Well..." Melissa started "it started about 4 years ago when the girls were 10 and cadence started messing around on me...I found out and he did everything in his power to make me stay, after we got over that stage he would come home drunk an-and he would....he would hit me and..and the girls and it's been going on ever since..."

I couldn't believe it because I never saw Candece as being the type to physically abuse anyone. Yes, when we were together we argued but no matter how bad it got he never put his hands on me.

I gasped "so this has been going on for four years and you didn't think to tell anyone Melissa? That's not safe" I spoke.

"I know, I know but he told me if I ever told anyone he would kill me...I'm sorry for showing up unannounced, I understand that you didn't know about me or my kids. I was the one getting cheated on while he was with you but it isn't your fault, while you and braxton were here in New York we were still back in Huston and we just moved here like 3 months ago" She assured me.

"I don't have any family down here, and when he kicked us out just now he took everything I had, my money, my cell phone and the girls cell phone" by this time she was pouring out tears.

I wanted to comfort her but I wasn't trying to get blood on my expensive red silk robe.

"So what made him mad enough to do this to you guys then kick y'all out the house" I asked.

" always he came home drunk but a couple of days ago he got laid off from his job and the beatings have gotten worst for me, now I just tell the girl to lock their door so he'll leave them alone.." me & jay nodded.

"So I work on weekends for extra pay now so when I came home I laid down till he came home but when he did he wanted to have sex and I said no because I was tired so he-he...he hit,kicked and threw me on the bed and took my clothes off and raped me...I screamed but he slapped and punched me till I could talk" she cried.

"At one point in the middle of it the girls came through the door yelling at him to stop. He hurried and got off of me but in the process I tried to tell the girl to call the police...and that's when he got so angry and just started throwing all types of punches at me and pushing the girl on the floor"

"They ran to their room but after dealing with me I was in so much pain I couldn't even go after him when he was hurting the girls, I tried to make it downstairs to grab a knife but that only pissed him off even more so he came downstairs with them choked up and threw us all outside in the middle of the night" she said through sniffs

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