I've Got You

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You had to work the night shift tonight, and you were just now getting out at eleven. You were walking down the streets to get to your best friend Peter's house. He called you earlier saying that he would need help with something, but didn't specify, and asked you to come over after your late shift. This area was sketchy at night, that's why Spider-Man was there when he was.

Peter, your best friend and Spider-Man, felt the hairs on his arm stick up while he sat atop a roof, taking a little break. You walked into an alleyway, knowing damn well that it was a bad idea but needing to your friend's house. You were halfway down, glancing around every so often, when you heard a male voice, "Hey, sweetheart. Where ya going?"

You took one look back. The man was tall and buff, with raggedy hair and a muscle shirt that was filthy. With that one look, you decided that it was time to run like hell. You pivoted and booked it, sprinting as fast as you possibly could, which was certainly not very fast.

The man easily caught up to you and grabbed your long hair, yanking you back harshly. He wrapped his arms around your waist and you thrashed in his grip.

"Help!" You screeched, stomping on his foot with the heel of your boot. The man yelled out, and you took that as your chance. Unfortunately, you didn't get very far before he tackled you.

"You're such a bitch!" He hissed, putting all of his weight on top of you. You now realized that you were incredibly close to your friend's house, and you didn't know what else to do, so you screamed as loud as you could, "Peter!"

Meanwhile, Peter was on the rooftop, yanking his mask over his head when he heard his name being called in a panic. He instantly knew who it was and jumped off the ledge of the roof, diving down to get to you. I refuse to let anything happen to the girl that I've learned to love.

You screamed out his name again while trying to get the guy off of you. He smirked, and you whipped your fist forward, punching him as hard as you could muster in the jaw. Your hand immediately ached from pain, but because of the adrenaline rush, you couldn't feel a thing, only fear.

Suddenly, a web flew toward you and stuck itself in the middle of your shirt. You gasped as it yanked you forward and up to the source of the string of web. An arm wrapped around you and now you were soaring up, barely being able to comprehend what was happening.

The wind was tugging at your hair as you squinted, you landed on a rooftop. It was a rough landing, as your waist lost your savior and you tumbled to the ground harshly, whacking your head off the metal.

You could hear the shuffling of the person who saved you coming near you.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?" You looked up to meet eyes with the one and only Spider-Man. You gasped and shuffled back a few feet, completely shocked that he was here and in front of you. You soon realized that he asked a question, and you shakily nodded your head, knowing that your voice would crack and you'd start crying if you talked.

"I'll be right back, promise." Spider-Man said, then leapt off the roof, leaving you to yourself. You were shaking with anxiety and fright, and you just wanted a hug from your best friend. Peter.

Tears flowed down your face as your savior jumped back up and made his way over to you. "Hey, hey." He said hurriedly, reaching his arms out for you. Peter did not want to see you cry, ever. He wanted to do everything in his power to make you happy again, to see the smile again.

"Oh god," You breathed, the tears flowing down harder. "Peter is going to kill me!" He tilted his head in confusion. Why would he be angry with you?

"Hey," He said again, grabbing your face with his gloved hands. "It's going to be okay, alright? Come on, I'll take you home." "No!" You cried. "Peter needed me to help him with something and he's been so busy lately and I can't just cancel! Please, take me down!"

Peter sighed through his mask and looked at your hysteric form. He instantly felt bad that he hasn't been there for you lately. "Okay, okay." He said, and stood up, bringing you with him. He wrapped his arm around your waist and said, "Hang on." Then, you two were swinging through the air and to the pavement. You landed with a rough thud, then instantly turned around, tears still flowing, and ran to your best friend's house. "Thank you!" You called, but didn't turn around.

As you were sprinting to his house, Peter swung to his house in seconds, flying through his window. He sprung up from the floor and tore his mask off, throwing it hastily into his closet. Soon, his suit was off and he was back to normal clothes, picking up all of his dirty clothes from off the floor and just chucking them into his closet, knowing that May would let you into his room if you were crying.

In no less then five minutes, you were knocking on his apartment door, a cut on your forehead from landing on the rooftop roughly and your right hand was swelling up. Aunt May opened the door and immediately gasped at your appearance.

You sniffled while saying, "Is Peter home?" She nodded quickly and let you in, putting her gentle hands on your shoulders while yelling, "Peter! Get out here right now!"

Peter came barreling through and pretended to be shocked once he saw you. "Oh, (Y/N), what happened? Are you alright?" He grabbed you a bag of ice as he led you to the bathroom, closing the door behind him so Aunt May wouldn't see you cry more. It was no use, because she could hear you.

"T-This guy." You said while sobbing as Peter cleaned up your forehead, "H-He came a-at me! I didn't know what t-to do!" "It's alright." He cooed, taking the blood soaked cloth off your head to look at you. He had a question that was digging at the back of his mind. "Why didn't you go home, (Y/N)? Why did you still come here?"

You sniffled again before answering, "B-Because I needed you. I needed a hug."

Peter smiled softly at you, and enveloped you in a hug. You breathed in shakily, leaning your head on his chest and wrapping your arms around his waist. He leaned down so he could whisper in your ear, "You're alright, (Y/N), I've got you. You're alright."

After a minute, your eyes began to grow tired. You leaned heavily on him as you asked, "What did you need me over for?"

Peter's heart picked up at the question. He desperately wanted to confess his feelings for you, but always became a stuttering mess and chickened out. But tonight, as he was swinging through Queens, a burst of confidence surged through him. He quickly decided that he would tell you tonight in high hopes.

But now, he was back to being a stuttering mess in front of you, only because he knew that he had to say it now, no more pretending to not wanting anything more with you.

"B-Because I-I want-ted to a-ask you s-something." He silently scolded himself for being a jittery mess. Concern laced your features. "Is everything alright, Pete?"

Well, it's now or never.

Peter abruptly pushed forward and pulled at your waist, bringing you into him, and smashing his lips against yours. He was completely surprised when you kissed back. You had liked Peter ever since the beginning of sophomore year, but always pushed it aside since you two were friends and you didn't want to ruin anything. But this, this felt right.

You pulled back slowly and looked at him. He was smiling like an idiot, just as you were. "I really, really like you." Peter said, confidence surging back to him. You said, "I really, really like you, too."

"Well, would you be my girlfriend, (Y/N)?"

You pretended to have to think about it. "Hmm, I don't know." You said, tapping your foot. He pouted playfully, and you smiled, "Of course I'll be your girlfriend, Peter."

A/N: sorry this sucks

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