You're Supposed To Take The Shield! (3)

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Tony was a smart man, no matter how many stupid decisions he had made over the years. He knew that you were the most vulnerable, so he went after you first. It only took him two days to corner you in an alley.

You were running away from him since you saw him walking down the street and toward you. You cursed softly and ran to the nearest alley that you could find and went all the way down, hoping that the man didn't even see you.

Unfortunately, he did, and followed you. You turned around at the dead end and saw him coming for you. He tapped his watch and his iron man suit started to form around him. It hugged his form and his mask slapped on.

"You can either make this really easy or really hard." Tony said, stopping in front of you. You took a cautious step back and created a ball of lightning in your hand.

"Kid, look." Tony said, but you made the ball bigger in your hand. "I know that Spiderling cares about you a lot, so I don't want to hurt you. But I will if I have to."

It hit home when he talked about Peter caring about you, and you let it cloud your emotions and thoughts. You yelled out and threw a ball of lightning at him, but he dodged it easily.

Tony flew up and over to you. You shot lightning at him, but he shot a surge of power out of his hand. The two clashed, and you pushed harder, just as he did. By that point, you knew it was hopeless to fight, but you refused to give in.

Soon enough though, Tony's beam overpowered yours, and you fell to the ground. The last thing you saw before blacking out was Tony standing over you, a surge of power warming up in his hand and going right for you.


Everyone on Cap's side were excited when they heard the door open, but they all slumped back in their holding cells when they saw Tony carrying your limp body in.

"Wow, dragging in an unconscious sixteen year old girl, that just about sums you up, Stark." Sam seethed in his cell. Tony only gave him a glance. "I told her that she could come willingly, and she didn't. So shut your mouth, Birdy."

Tony threw you into a cell and locked it securely. He then scanned everyone's faces and walked out of the room silently.

You came to soon after, and sat up, groaning. You rubbed your head and looked around to see that you were surrounded in a tiny cage.

You quickly scrambled up and ran to the window, then banged on it. "What the hell!" You shouted, then banged on it again.

"There's no use, Thunder." Sam spoke softly while watching you whack the window. "Even your powers won't work."

You marched back a few feet and tried to make lightning flow from your fingers, but nothing came out.

"No," You whispered, looking at your shaking hands. "This can't be happening."


A week later, Tony wanted to show off who he had caught to his side of the Avengers. He gathered them all and strutted into the building, acting as if he owned the place. Everyone followed him in, gawking at the scenery and how secure the place was.

Peter followed loosely behind, looking and examining every crack and cranny and surface. He tried to distract himself, but he had to know. He just had to know if you had gotten caught.

And soon, his question was answered. When Tony ushered them into the big circular room where everyone was kept, his eyes immediately found you.

You were staring at the floor, eyes concentrated on a certain speck on the window. Your nose had dried blood all around it, but you didn't bother try to wipe it away. In all, you felt as if you had no purpose anymore.

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