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2 and a half months ago

"Did you not train her, Tony?" Natasha demanded while kneeling next to Steve, who was now sitting up with a headache and broken wrist.

"We've been training for two weeks straight, I thought she could handle it!" Tony defended, "I know she has what it takes to be an Avenger, and I know that you all would not believe me if I didn't show you!"

"Don't you think that she should have the option?" Bruce hissed, crossing his arms in annoyance, "And did you even bother to ask her if she wanted to be an Avenger? Because clearly it looks like she doesn't want to be!"

"She doesn't know her power, her worth, Banner! She was given powers just two weeks ago from the Magical Stone—"

"There's no such thing." Steve interrupted, and Tony rolled his eyes while digging through the pocket in his suit. He pulled out a glowing pink stone and held it in front of everyone's eyes.

"The rumors are true, if you touch the stone you get part of its power, so that's why I put a protective shield around it so its power can't be harnessed by anyone else, it's nearly unbreakable. A man shot this at her, and that's why she has the powers of Wanda. You guys all know that she can't just not be an Avenger, because she has these abilities that harness complete raw energy. You saw what just happened, when she's upset her powers go haywire, she's practically unstoppable. She doesn't know how to control them."

There was a moment of silence before Bruce said, "Shouldn't you go after her?"

Tony scoffed and shook his head, "Trust me, Peter is already all over it."

And that was true. The boy had seen her storm out and sprint up a flight of stairs, and before he could even register what was happening, his legs were already moving in her direction.

By now she was bawling her eyes out, the tears blurring her vision as she whipped open the door to the roof, and slammed it closed. A sob rose in her throat as she ran to the center, her knees finally giving out.

When they connected with the floor, violet fanned out around her for about five feet before disappearing into nothing. The girl realized through tears that she nearly had no control over her powers, and it upset her even more.

Another sob escaped her quivering lips, and immediately after she felt a presence behind her. She quickly turned around and saw Peter bending down to go next to her, and without a word, he wrapped his arms around her, bringing her to his chest.

(Y/N) immediately leaned completely against him, her arms snaking around his torso, stuffing her face into his warm chest.

For a long time, all he did was hold her close and rub her back, allowing her to cry all that she wanted, because he knew no words could help her right now, just comfort, body heat, someone to hold her, someone she trusted.

Yes, he had only known her for two weeks, but it felt like a lifetime for him. They could talk to one another just so easily, he absolutely loved her company and adored her. Yes, he felt a connection with her, but he promised to himself that he wouldn't act on it if she didn't because he didn't want to jeopardize their friendship. He promised himself that he would be there for her until she didn't need him anymore, but there was always that silent prayer in his head that begged for her to need him as well.

"I never asked for this." The girl whispered as her sobs got quieter, "I never wanted powers, I never wanted to be an Avenger, because what if I can't live up to my expectations?"

"(Y/N), look at me." Peter said softly, and she slowly rose from his chest to gaze into his eyes. They held a depth of intensity and sorrow, but she could see the softness in them, could feel the softness in them.

"You're going to be the best Avenger in history, I just know it. You may not feel that way now, but your abilities are so unique and powerful, I know you'll rise. You'll fly so high past the expectations for yourself, and you want to know why? Because this is your destiny, (Y/N), you were born to do this, and you were born ready. I believe in you, I really do."

No words could express how the girl was feeling within that moment. He believes in me?Did he mean all of that? Did he really think that she could rise above everybody, or at the least be a successful Avenger?

Peter brought his hand over and placed his finger gently under her chin while whispering, "Please don't doubt yourself. Know your worth, your depth. You're so special, (Y/N), show it. You have so much potential, and I want to see you rise on your own. You can do anything."

She could tell from his eyes that he meant every word, and then some. She was at a loss of words, and could only stare into his earthy orbs. They were stunning.

"You're shivering." He stated after a moment, and let go of her chin. She hadn't noticed the cool breeze, and she shivered again upon realizing.

Suddenly, Peter was throwing his jacket over her shoulders, making sure that it would stay on her and cover her up. He gently pushed her hair out of the way so it wouldn't get stuck and leant back, admiring his work.

"You're going to catch a cold." She said, her voice barely above a whisper. He smiled down at her, "If I have to catch a cold for you to be warm, I'd do it any day."

A/N: I'm sorry it's so short, but I really

wanted to put this chapter out today to

make up for the last one taking five

days, enjoy!

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