A Soft Side (1)

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It was rumored that Tony Stark had feared that Captain America's side would overpower his, and he began to be showered with paranoia.

It was tearing his mind apart, piece of piece, neuron by neuron, and he needed to find some way to get rid of this thing hanging over his head.

He needed something helpful, powerful, unstoppable.

So, he traveled to his prison in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and cruised in confidently, officially having a seemingly brilliant plan. It was risky, but he knew that this was his only chance.

Tony walked down the corridors underground, his pace staying the same. He went down a series of stairs, and passed a sign that read radioactive.

He went down the last set of stairs, and this sign read lethal.

There was only one person down there, and one cell. (Y/N).

He walked up to the cell and banged on the bars, which vibrated loudly. He looked into the dirty room that held a bed, toilet, shower, and sink. She was sitting on the bed, a bulky band bound tightly around her neck. She turned and saw him there, then looked back straight, ignoring him.

"(Y/N), I know how to get you out of here."

That triggered her attention, and she looked back at him, eyes glazed over with sleepiness. She tilted her head slightly, standing up and walking slowly over, the chains around her ankles weighing her down. "I'm not leaving." She whispered.

She wrapped her palms around the bars while gazing into his eyes.

"Don't believe me?" He asked, and lifted his hand up, a remote rested in his palm. He clicked the button, and the band around her neck loosened. She immediately tugged at it, and it fell off, clattering to the floor.

She looked down at it in shock, then gently nudged it with her combat boot. It rocked slightly, and she looked back up at him.

"What are you doing?" She questioned, meeting his eyes again in shock. He smirked at her while saying, "You help me, and I get you out of here."

"Why would you need my help?" She asked as little zips of blue jotted around her body, she lifted her hands up slowly.

"There's a civil war in the Avengers, and people like you can show people like little Captain America that we should be restricted for a reason."

She gazed up into his eyes with sorrow and pain. "You're using my monster qualities to get what you want?"

"Well, what do you think? Should the Avengers be allowed to do whatever they want, or should they have restrictions to not kill everyone?"

She paused for a moment in thought before agreeing with him. "Exactly, you can show him just how much power you have, (Y/N)."

Tony was definitely using her for only his benefit, he must've had a tracker placed within her somewhere so that if she made one wrong move, he could kill her with the press of a button. No way he trusted her with everything, the man always had a plan, and a backup plan.

But yet, she could be free for a moment, and show the world what she was made of. Tony was right, there's a reason why people like her are locked up and stowed away. She was dangerous, lethal. She did agree that she should be locked up for her abilities, and that's what made her different from everyone else.

(Y/N) had chosen to be locked away in the facility, and in the deepest room possible, where no one could see her and judge her. But, even she had to admit, that the band around her neck was beginning to give her rashes by the friction, and she was getting tired of it.

But Hydra forced her into this position of pain and suffering. They had run tests on her, kidnapped her from her family. She was trapped there for years in fear and worry for her life, considering it could be ended at any given moment.

She eventually escaped, had this whole elaborate plan that was spawned months before the actual attempt. She was completely horrified with herself when she stepped out of her cell and snapped two men's necks with a rod of lightning.

Area by area, step by step, she continued to roam their headquarters, killing every single person in sight with a flick of her wrist and a thick bolt of electricity.

She knew that she had to be stopped and that she was drunk with power, so she walked straight out of Hydra to Tony Stark. She put her wrists together and outstretched them out to him, desperately whispering, "I killed more people than I can count."

Now, here she was today, locked up in the farthest part of the whole underwater building, and not regretting it.

"So, what do you say? Will you help me?"

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