Power Over Me

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"You're staring again." Ned pointed out while nudging Peter's elbow. He was surprised and whacked his forehead against the table, making Flash snicker behind him.

"Dude, what the hell!" He seethed under his breathe as Ned continued to chuckle, "You were staring, bud. It was pretty obvious, too."

Peter rolled his eyes and propped his chin back on his hand and stared at (Y/N) who was sitting directly across the room from him. She sat all by herself with her earbuds blasting, and he was swooning again.

"You know, it's okay to talk to her and not just be creepy." Ned butted once more, making Peter turn to him while hissing, "She just got out of a relationship with Flash, Ned! Do you really think she's going to talk to me, you know, Flash's worst enemy?"

"You don't know unless you try, Spider-Man." He taunted, and the boy grabbed his friend's arm, his eyes wide, "Shut the hell up, someone might hear you, you idiot!"

Suddenly the bell rang, dismissing the last class of the day. (Y/N) stood up and gathered her books, heading out the door and to her locker. Ned stood up and grabbed his shoulder gently, seriousness sinking into him, "You really are never going to know if you don't try, Parker." With that, he collected his books and walked out, not wanting to miss his bus.

Peter sighed and put his books into his backpack, hoisting it over his shoulder while jogging out. He would normally turn left down the hallway and go straight through the doors, but his legs acted before his mind could stop him, and he turned right.

His honey eyes gazed down the hallway and at the lockers, flickering from side to side. His heart stopped once he found her crouched down, placing an English book on the bottom of the crimson locker. She stood up and swung the bag over her left shoulder while shutting the locker door gently with her right.

He looked down the hallway to where her destination was, the doors. He saw rain thundering down, having no mercy. An idea popped into his head, and with a smile he ran down the hallway to his locker, putting in his combination quickly and hurling it open. He reached to the top and pulled out a ebony umbrella, then slammed it shut. He turned around as his eyes searched for her, and he found her standing in front of the doors, a scowl on her face.

"(Y/N)!" Peter called, jogging down the hallway to her. She turned with a confused glance, her eyes scanning his whole body with only a flicker. "Hey, what's up?" She asked softly, and he quickly nodded his head with a shy smile.

"I know that Flash always used to walk you home when it was raining, and I know things ended badly, and I'm really sorry to hear that, but I'd be more then willing to walk you home! I mean, I have an umbrella and everything!" He said cheekily, bringing up the umbrella and smacking her in the arm with it.

"O-Oh god, I'm so so so sorry!" He said flustered, grabbing hold of the umbrella and keeping it pressed up against his chest, his cheeks turning into a fire truck.

She hesitated for a moment before a light smile cracked onto her face and she nodded, saying, "It's totally fine, thank you very much for the offer, I would like to take it if that's okay."

"Oh! Of-Of course!" He stuttered with a smile, "Please lead the way! Oh! Only because I don't know where you live, I would be a gentleman and lead the way but if I knew where you lived I feel like that would be creepy so could you please lead the way please?"

(Y/N) laughed this time while nodding, "Peter, it's alright. Come along, now."

Peter tripped a little while going after her, and they stood under the canopy once they went through the doors. He fumbled with the umbrella for a solid fifteen seconds before finally opening it, and it spread out right into her hair.

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