A Soft Side (8)

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Wind was flapping (Y/N)'s clothes and hair in all directions, but mostly up. Her arms were outstretched, her legs slightly lifted in the same direction. Her chest was swerved down, along with her head.

The cool air nipped and bit at her wet eyes, but she managed to keep them open. She watched lazily as the dark streaky blue sky got farther and farther away, becoming fuzzy and hazy.

Then, something had completely blocked it, soaring down at her. It was a complete blur of red and blue with strings of white and coming down for her at a fast pace.

She blinked again and saw the white now directly in front of her, clinging onto her chest with the blur of brightness hovering a few yards above her, another white string above him connecting to the roof.

Her whole body snapped as she flew back up, getting extreme whiplash. She fell back down and bounced lighter a few more times before officially being suspended in the air, halfway down the building.

Then, her whole world suddenly was engulfed in a deep darkness.


Peter couldn't remember the last time he had really felt his heart drop into his stomach because he always believed that the feeling was a myth. How would people even describe it that way? It's impossible, period.

He believed in it the second he watched Scott whip out a pistol and aim it for (Y/N).

"Oh, hell to the no!"  The young boy growled, his legs kicking in, his body hurtling toward the gun. His arms were flying rapidly at his sides as he watched the girl tuck herself into the shield to protect herself. His heart beat lessened slightly at the action, but immediately picked right back up when he saw the shield glow crimson.

"No. . ." He breathed as his legs picked up their speed once more.

Then, everything seemed to unravel before his eyes in slow motion, which he also never believed until that day.

Peter extended a web at the gun, but he watched hopelessly as Scott flexed his index finger, pulling the shiny ebony trigger. He saw the bullet leave the chamber and soar through the air, and he shot another web in that direction in a desperate attempt.

He gasped inwardly as the bullet pierced the girl's delicate skin, making her lurch backwards incredibly slow.

"(Y/N)!" The boy screeched just as two more bullets left the gun and found their home in her tummy, directly above her belly button. His web finally connected with the gun, and he brought his arm back, flinging the gun behind him randomly.

Peter turned his head to see the girl falling backwards, nothing to stop her. Just as he blinked, she was back out of sight.

"No!" He shrieked, his legs making an abrupt change in direction, now heading for the edge. Without a second thought he had thrown himself over the rooftop, now soaring down at a speedy pace, the wind making it hard to see even through his mask.

He saw her and instantly shot a web down, then shot one up that connected with the roof. He lurched up as he found the end of the cord and after a little was finally still, waiting for his other web to reach the girl.

I didn't make it last time. This is life or death, I have to catch her if it's the last thing I do.

He cried out in relief when the web attached to her chest and she was suspended in the air, gently going in circles.

The boy leapt down to her level while holding onto the web and slowly undid her, placing her in his sturdy arms with an iron grip that he refused to let up anytime soon. He snapped the web and jumped, shooting another one to a nearby building.

Peter traveled down a few blocks before finding an especially tall roof, and soared up to it. He landed gracefully for the first time in his life, shocking, and unraveled the girl from his arms gently.

He placed her head in his lap and quickly fumbled with his mask, ripping it off, hair tousled and flying everywhere. He straightened it out and pulled it over her face and into her head. He then placed both of his hands over her heart, which he could feel beating incredibly faintly.

His heart quickened as he said loudly, "Karen, activate heal mode." "Activating heal mode right away, Peter. So, is this the girl you've been talking about lately?"

Somehow a blush managed to rise on his cheeks, making them heated, and he cleared his throat, begging to God that the girl wasn't awake.

"Yeah, she is. How are her vitals looking, Karen?" His voice was shaky as he felt waves of power flow through his sleeves and into his palms, then forced itself to her heart. She didn't answer for a brief moment and he didn't realize he was holding his breath.

If this doesn't work, I'm suing.

"Her heart beat is getting stronger, I'm not sure about her wounds yet."

Peter looked down and lifted one of his hands quickly to lift her shirt up, and he watched as the three bullet wounds slowly closed, the skin reconnecting with a faint scar.

He fumbled to put his hand back but relief coursed through his veins, making him able to breathe properly again. It worked, my own invention worked!

"Her wounds are repairing at a fast rate, Peter. She is going to be fine." Karen said, and he sighed again in relief. He closed his eyes as a wide smile formed, teeth and all. It was the first time he had smiled since he had last talked to her.

"She is fully healed, Peter. You can remove your hands and the mask." Karen added, and he lifted up his hands and gently peeled off the mask to see her face free from bruises and cuts. He chucked it to the side and grabbed both of her cheeks, gently moving her face from side to side to ensure there were no more wounds. Her skin was perfectly clear, and he let go, her head still on his lap.

The boy heard a machine whirring and turned around to see Tony Stark landing on the roof behind him. He opened his suit and got out, sprinting over to them. Before he had the chance to go into full on panic mode, he said, "She's alright, don't worry. She's gonna be okay."

"How do you know?" The man questioned, bending down and putting to fingers against her neck to feel her strong pulse.

"I've been in the lab with you and I've given the suit the ability to heal. It worked, Mr. Stark, it worked. The bullet wounds sealed themselves and her bruises are gone. Her vitals are amazing, it's like nothing happened to her." Peter explained, the smile never leaving his face.

He gazed down at her peaceful features, and leaned down to kiss her forehead. Tony smiled lightly at the action. He sat down on the cement next to the boy and patted his back for a beat, then ran it through his hair with a sigh.

"So, you are you going to talk to her again?"

Peter's head whipped up to look at him, his cheeks becoming a tomato.

"I'm gonna be there to catch her, Mr. Stark."

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