Nightmares (1)

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Living in Stark Tower certainly had its fair share of perks. For example, you want food? Bam, fridge is always stocked full. Want to read a book? There's a whole library on the third floor. Want to go somewhere to get away from people? You get your own room! The only downfall of having your own room? The walls are thin like angel hair spaghetti. That's right. Tony Stark is worth billions and he can't afford better walls. You heard me.

After a hefty dinner, (Y/N) walked to her room with her head hung low. She was mostly silent for the day including at the table, unless someone asked her a question. And that's how she typically was, she never exactly talked to fellow Avengers, they were all considerably older than her.

Except Peter Parker. He was the same exact age as her, and often visited the tower, staying the nights. Aunt May's friends were often over, and they drank a little too much wine every night and crashed all about the apartment, even in his bed, resulting in his presence in the tower.

They befriended quickly, and she felt as if she finally had a friend. Her whole life she lived in isolation within the walls of HYDRA, kidnapped from her murdered parents and was grown to be their weapon, their new enhanced against the Avengers.

Infamously known as The Ice Queen, at age fifteen she was sent to destroy the Avengers single handedly, HYDRA having full confidence in her.

And she held up her end for a fair amount of time before Steve threw his shield at her, knocking her out cold. To her surprise, they nursed her anorexic form back to health while taking down the years of mind control.

That tower had been her home ever since, the people among it her family. She knew that she could talk to them about anything, but she refused to talk about her past, only about what happened at school or what she did during the weekends, which was just staying at the tower.

And her past has haunted her ever since, hanging over her like a cloud. During the day she could block it out, but that wasn't the case for nighttime. She went straight to her room after dinner and got into her bed, but was sitting up.

The girl stared down at her palms, ice slowly forming unconsciously. Once she noticed, she squeezed her hand into a fist, making it fade away into nothing. With a sigh, she laid down in her bed and shut off the lamp on her nightstand, rolling onto her side and gripping her blanket.

After only a few minutes she was sleeping, her eyes darting all over beneath the lids, her body tensing.

"Faster!" A man called through his cupped hands aggressively, and with a smirk he watched as his contestant jumped to the right quickly as (Y/N) sent shards of ice where he once stood. "Fantastic!" He yelled while clapping, and she sighed with worry.

No one was on her side, she was the puppet thrown in to make the man with super strength look violent and without mercy. He swung another punch at her, but she ducked and shimmied to the left, her breath increasing.

The man walked up to her and towered over her, his hands tightening into fists. He swung again and she brought up an ice shield, but he broke through it. He grabbed her by the neck and strung her up like a blanket, her feet lifting from off the ground.

She squirmed under his grip, gasping for air like a goldfish while trying to kick him away. He lifted up his fist, blocking the bulb above them so she could see his shadow perfectly. A desperate cry escaped her lips as she closed her eyes and turned, the fist coming down.

(Y/N) woke with a start, jetting up in the bed while panting heavily, tears escaping her irises. She looked up to see ice covering the walls, getting thicker the farther away it was from her. She noticed that she was at the center in her own little bubble of just bed, then five feet out the ice had begun.

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