Who Is She? (1)

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Sorta includes Infinity War spoilers but kinda not because I haven't seen the movie so I'm basing it off a scene that I barely know so here we go

It was just a normal day. A sweet, normal Tuesday. Tony and his fiancé Pepper were going around the block for their daily jog, and laughing at a joke that Tony had said. They turned around a corner as Tony yelled, "Race ya to the fountain!"

Pepper smirked and quickly caught up with Tony, but Tony was faster. His laugh echoed as he ran, then he slid to a stop as a orange circle etched its way out of the air. He held up a hand to Pepper and took a step back as colors began to morph inside the orange circle. On the other side was a seemingly abandoned church with a man wearing a long red cloak. He stepped forward, and onto the sidewalk.

"Woah, there, alien-guy. Slow your roll." Tony said, putting his arms up. But the man who stepped out wiped the portal away and put his hands up in front of him as a sign of peace.

"Are you Tony Stark?" The man asked, and Tony hesitantly nodded. "Yeah, I am. Who the hell are you?" "My name is Doctor Stephen Strange. We need your help, Tony. The earth is in danger."

Tony instantly turned around and said quickly to Pepper, "Go back home and don't leave until I give you the okay." By now, she's learned not to argue, and turned around, scurrying away. He turned back to the man.

"What are you, some kind of wizard?" "You could say that, but that's beside the point, Tony Stark. We need your help, because the earth is in danger." Tony crossed his arms. "And why are you so sure about that?"

Strange rolled his eyes and sighed, "Since I am what you call a wizard, I can see into the future. A Titan is coming, and he's the mightiest creature on earth. His plan is to wipe out half of the world, and rule it as his own. We need your help to stop him."

"We?" Strange lifted his arm and flexed his fingers. Bruce, also known as the Hulk, came into the picture, walking down the street and toward them. "Hey, Tony." He said softly, and Tony only nodded in his direction.

"Okay, what do we do?" "We—" The wizard got caught off by a loud rustling noise. All men turned and looked into the sky. Above them, was a ship looking air-craft, and green looking aliens were leaping off the ledges, coming straight for them.

Tony pressed his watch while backing away. Soon, his suit came flying to him, latching itself onto his body. He raised a hand and shot a beam at one of the aliens, and it didn't even faze the creature.

"We're gonna need more help." Strange said, waving his hands around, creating circles of orange that licked his palms. Tony and Bruce nodded in agreement. "But who?" Bruce asked worriedly.

After only a moment of thinking, Tony muttered, "My god am I brilliant." and said louder, "FRIDAY, call Flash."


Tony got thrown to the floor by an alien, and skidded across the grass. The alien went to smash its hand over him, but suddenly he was staring at a fountain. He looked behind him to see you smirking. "Easy there, you could've been killed." You said, confidence flowing through your veins.

"Hey!" A high pitched voice exclaimed, and you looked over to see a man in a blue and red suit through your mask. "What the hell are you supposed to be? A clown?"

The kid sighed and rolled his eyes. "No, I'm Spider-Man. And I had him! Where the hell did you come from?"

You ran around around him and created a swirl of wind, making him suffocate. You stopped in front of him as he gasped for breath. "I'm fast." You shrugged, smirking. He gaped at you.

When you heard a crash, you looked over to see an alien strangling Bruce. You smiled and said, "See you around. . .?" "O-Oh! Peter." You laughed. "Flash, but call me (Y/N)." With that, he blinked and you were gone.

He instantly knew that he wasn't done with you.

A/N: anyone want a part two because I'm thinking about it

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