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Vulture was known for being ruthless, especially when it came to getting what he wants. The man let absolutely nothing get in the way of his sight, his hopes and dreams. Even so, ruthless was an understatement, merciless was an understatement.

It all started, and ended, on a Wednesday. A random Wednesday. You and Peter were in school, sitting with each other in Chemistry. You laughed at his jokes, and you even cracked a few, including some with Spider-Man.

Of course you knew that he was Spider-Man, and he knew that you were Storm. You two fought crime in the busy city of Queens, always having the other's back. So, it wasn't a surprise when Peter got hurt to the point where you had to give him CPR, and that meant tearing off his mask. That meant that your lives would change forever if you knew who this boy was. And you did, it was your best friend, and crush, Peter Parker.

When Peter was revived and safe, you cried, holding him while he was frantically looking for his mask in a desperate attempt to hide his identity from you. Would you tell people? Would you not want to be his sidekick anymore? Would you two now be against one another?

All of those questions were answered when you tore off your mask, tired of Peter being so panicked about his identity. He stopped talking and just stared as the tears came down faster.

"Just please," You mumbled shakily, staring at him dead in the eyes with a puppy face. "Just let me hold you."

And he did, he let you hold him for as long as you needed to. You were already scared for the person under the mask and wanted to help him, but when you took off that mask, you turned completely terrified for your crush and friend, knowing damn well that you couldn't live without him, or yourself, if he had died. He has to be alright. You kept on thinking. He has to be okay.

Soon enough, he was alive and well, for as well goes after you just died momentarily, and let you suffocate him in a hug. He didn't dare let go or rush you, because he knew you. He knew that you just needed time, he'd known that for years, considering you both knew each other like the back of your hands. You sobbed as he hugged you back, rubbing your back and letting you know that he was perfectly fine and safe.

When you finally pulled away, he put his fingers under your chin so you would look into his soft brown eyes. "You're my hero." He had whispered.

Flash forward to present day, lunch, on any normal Wednesday. You and Peter sat in the corner of the cafeteria, specifically so no one could hear you talk about your duties after school.

"So, where do you want to meet today?" You asked, popping another slice of vibrant strawberry into your mouth. Peter shrugged whilst saying, "Maybe on the roof of your apartment building at. . . seven? We can report to each other about what we did."

You nodded in agreement, mouth full to not give him a verbal answer. You swallowed and plucked another. "Do you think Vulture will be out tonight?" He asked, head titling slightly, eyebrows knitting together. You stopped the strawberry from going into your mouth and looked at him curiously.

"Honestly, I don't know, he doesn't go for me." A giggle rose in your throat. The boy across from you rolled his eyes, but a playful smile tugged at his lips. "Stoooooop." He dragged it out, leaning against the table. You laughed slightly harder.

"He beat your ass, Parker! Come on, it was a little funny!" He rolled his eyes. "No, it's not." "Yes, it is." You joked, smiling. "He literally trapped you under rubble. And." You said, leaning against the wall that was close behind you. "He hasn't touched me once."

Peter's heart picked up slightly, "He may." He said under his breath, but you heard and squinted your eyes. "No he won't, Parker. He's totally obsessed with you."

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